Other's Explanations
"Please return your penis to the upright position and prepare for landing"
Don't you see? It's a cockpit.
whitey about to be replaced on the moon
it's all fun and games till the native with the penis-gourd takes the wheel.
Obama's Air Force One Pilot
Discovery Channel gave my village enough money for either dental work - or helicopter ride & strap-on: Well, ... How does it look!?
South Americas most trusted Airlines
outsourced pilot
A new ergonomic, wooden joystic for the fly, brings u pleasure and response!
Mentos, the fresh maker
who'd have thought flying would be soooooo much fun
Obama's new NASA
Thankyou for fling Papua New Guinea Airlines, and YES I AM THE FUCKING CAPTAIN!
It's a Dani (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dani_people) with a penis gourd getting the opportunity to sit in (and pose for) a helicopter. You have to fly to get in and out of Papua.
Proof that man DID evolve from a monkey
a dream of an actual real pilot, while laced on psychedelic drugs. He is hoping to wake up soon!
"OOOohh...You mean this flight stick,i though you talking about mine"
While being camped by cap fleet in Stain. - Anyone got an insta-undock from this station?
Smile for the camohgoodgod!
Damn it Jim... I'm a doctor; not a helicopter pilot with a dildo!
haha i will shove my penis i mean bomb up your ass
Sanford and Son Smoke PCP
Sumbitch, them Twinkies give me a hard-on!
mr t has really let himself go...
He has a BIG smile :)
No sir, I have no problem with your outfit, BUT, are you SURE you passed the eye portion of your pilot's licence?
honestly, I can't explain it.....it's just that bad -.-"
is he the only one who noticed their landing on a nude beach...bonner
yeah...this is living
Let's hope he doesn't mess up which one is the real control stick.
wait one min...Dad?
I dont care what you say... That is a troll!
Talibian terrorist is training for new 9/11
what? I can't be a pilot? is it because I'm black?..... -no, sir I'ts because you're naked!
No sir, I have no problem with your outfit, BUT, are you SURE you passed the eye portion of your pilot's licence?
the origin of vuvuzelas are discovered!
giggedee giggedee
Kimbo Slice. The early years.
Mr.T On Drugs :0
we came from Indians not from monkeys
I don't know about explaining the image, but I sure hope they clean that seat after he's done using it.
A wild Snorlax appears !
I don't care if it is two hundred miles through uncharted jungle territory. I said I'll walk.
I. Shall. Gun. You. Down.
This gives new meaning to the term "Sporting Wood."
The gods must be crazy.
mrs i wanna return my ticket i dont trust in the pilot....
canibal holocaust
lol wooden condoms xD
I dunno what eet ees! BUT I F*CKIN LUV EET!!!!
call of duty: black ops. its a chopper gunner
Ah, me know cockpit!
The 9/11 highjacker that never made it.
George Clinton's son gets soooo excited when he drives that choper.
so that's where vuvuzelas are from.....mmm nice :D
...and some people thought the 9/11 was a conspiracy....
africas revenge. now we are fucked.
it is from a natgeo show
Die whitey die! I'll stick my wooden penis in your eye!
Ive had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!
The Force is strong with him!
cannibal holocaust
Sumbitch, them Twinkies give me a hard-on!
What the audience never got to know: Indiana Jones never reached the plane in the jungle scene in "raiders of the lost ark". Instead one of the bad guys came first...
thank you for flying southwest airlines
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Are you sure this is how you play Halo?
I had it with these muddafacka snakes on this muddafucka plane!
Who knew that Kimbo Slice was a registered pilot?!
Jesus take the wheel....please
You're safe with me
Behold, Kimbo Slice before weights
"Dont worry. Im EXTREMELY qualified..."
Quick Mr. Copilot! Pull up on the joy-dick!
indian cannibals ...IN A HELECOPTER! WERE FUCKED NOW!!!
It's the budget cuts, man! WELCOME TO THE NAKED AIR FORCE!!!!
I've never been in a helicopter. It's giving me a WOODY!
"Start singing "Tiny Bubbles" now Don Ho !"
No sir, I have no problem with your outfit, BUT, are you SURE you passed the eye examination portion of your pilot's licence?
Meanwhile in Jamaica...
Lolz i unno i just flyin this helicopter
Reverse exploration.
Yea I'll just take the next flight
I hope that seat is platified :-S
I think this is the Mr T's father...
well... the pilot was found dead in the bathroom today, but dont fear we have a highly trained crazy naked homeless guy for for a substitute
Landing by wood.
get these motherf*cking aboriginese of my motherf*cking plane.
This is a native of Waa or Wamena or Tembagapura, Irian Jaya Papua province of Indonesia, most likely sitting on a helicopter owned by Freeport McMoran. That penile covering is called koteka. Google up "koteka" images and you'll see. Koteka is a gourd.
I just cant do it captain, I DON'T HAVE THE POWER......thats because you are not grabbing the throttle.......my penis.......no.......don't stop
Cheech and Chong on crack and naked
When is it more important to wear a knit cap than it is to wear pants? Well I don't have a big wiener and I haven't flown a plane, but I'm guessing that's the best time.
yeah, I lost my penis during WWII, but I'm still a great helicopter pilot
Should have gone to specsavers
It's because of the budget cuts, man! WELCOME TO THE NAKED AIR FORCE!!!
OMG Black Heli Evoks on the loose
Oh no, you cant drink and drive. But no one likes a sober pilot.
Hello welcome to the Internet. I will be your guide
Forget crossdressing, this is what Klinger should have done to get discharged!
"Just like to say good luck to you both, we're all counting on you"
He's not wearing a seatbelt ! ! ! !
and now to our traffic copter
SHHH! i just farted
Well folks, we're experiencing just a little bit of turbulence. The Fasten Safety Belt sign is lit for your safety.
this is taken in papua new guinea. the traditional dress uses a gourd over the man's penis for modesty. the terrain over there is really steep a lot of the mountains are only accessible by light plane or helicopter.
That man is from my country, Indonesia. I believe he is one of our native tribes in Papua. That wooden-cock thing is called "koteka", the only outfit the men of Papua tribes wear. Whilst, the women wear nothing but a straw-skirt.
we came from Indians not from monkeys
Oh! you call that thing the joy stick?
Air Detroit will be landing shortly...
this is what kimbo slice lookd like befor the ufc
that explains why that Air France flight fucked up
This is an illustration of a Clutch Cargo cult in Papua, New Guinea.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking with a special announcement as follows: OOGA GUNGA FLOOKA BUNGOO! YIP YIP ZANZIBAR!"
Taken from Danny Glovers new film "Hard-on Air"
the penis gourd of the Dani people are worn all the time, even under pants,
Well at least with this guy terrorists wont fuck with us anymore
I can't take this prick anywhere.
Are you sure this is how you play Halo?
this is not going to help my fear of flying!!
There will be a small turbulence, please fasten your seatbelts and remain where you are, I know exactly what I'm doing, now where does this button stands for? Oh crap I left the microphone on...
Haven't we seen enough of those shaved cat images ... Now they gotta start with gorillas?
Captain woodencock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pirates let rab some people!!!!! hou hou hou
Final episode of LOST: They finally got away from the Island!
Nkongo enjoyed his heli ride very much. VERY much!!!
This is Smiling Bob. He and his boyfriend are flying high, thanks to Cialis.
This is Tribal leader. Lock wings in S-foil position, we are passing through their magnetic field.
omg does nobody realize this guys naked? Everyone just keeps commenting on the thing that looks like a penis lol
A genuine affirmitive action pilot
Yothu Yindi Take Flight
Flyin' down in 'copters, and snatchin' yo people up! Hide yo kids, hide yo wife...
Are you sure this is how you play Halo?
that's some hot shit
little does he know they switched out his partner at the last second...
hey that's me :(
time for boarding. Don't be scared, it will be alright.
this is why the pilots introduce themselves over the com system, not face to face
It's gonna be a different world when my people come to power...bitches!
No sir, I have no problem with your outfit, BUT, are you SURE you passed the eye portion of your pilot's licence?
AP Papua, New Guinea: Tommy Ootbu celebrates acquiring his "Type Rating" in a DeHavilland Twin Otter, along with his Flight Instructor Mike Lorenz. "Tommy is a natural born pilot" says Mike, "but we still have to work on his Instrument approaches". Ootbu has over 900 flight hours and hopes to one day work for one of the major Airlines.
What nothing about a woody you guys all stupid?
rapist on a plan
BANANA. lemme take a bite
i soooo want to put that on the 404 page for my company website... might loose my job tho
kinda surprised at the lack of "cockpit" and "joystick" jokes
"der I can haz fly controlz and microphonez and maybe steer with mah woody" -
Kids dont do drugs
is this the high mile club???
free ride for everyone
that was when the most drug addicted man on earth was left on a helicopter
Are you SURE you passed the eye examination to get your pilot's licence?
fucking abos
Houston we HAVE a problem !
Afghanistan is going well.
The aveverage Jamaican.
african pilot XD
Thank you for flying Rastafaric Airlines. Have a good day.
Trust me I'm the captain. I read this in a book before
Control, we have a problem we can't get the landing gear down Well get the sexy stewardess out of the cockpit
Ouch were hitting turbulance and i cant fit my nuts in these silly underpants
Al-Qaida airlines...
One Evil NIGA and the Twins went down!
"Please return your penis to the upright position and prepare for landing"