Other's Explanations
thta how your internet girlfriend really looks like
Somewhere out there is a poor mother desperately trying to forget that she has a son.
What have you become Britney ?
Ummm... You're home Early...
It's Chris-chan.
http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Chris-chan -
potentially serial killer
scott had everything he needed..... the complete yugioh collection, a TV in his own room and a nice supportive bra.
Older picture of Scott Winnagle. He and his room are MUCH gayer now.
I bet his mom is reeeeeeeaaallll proud.
some old fashioned glasses...
so THATS what sonic fanboys look like
Would you f*** me? I'd f***me.
his mother has big breasts
He's wearing Rapist Glasses
When your My Little Pony collection is that AWESOME you have to go pretty far to top it.
Virginity... It's a keeper!
*fap fap fap fap*
Do something with your life!!!!!!!
Is that a pony in your pocket or...Oh Lord...
It's Fkn Chris-Chan, the straight up creepiest dude on the internet. Youtube search for "00095" There's an ECV (or something) 00095, it comes up in the first few results. Watch it. If it isn't the creepiest thing you've ever seen, I'll eat my hat.
He was gonna go with a thong, but didn't want to look slutty
"Does this make me look fat?!"
Shaved beauty
I'd tap that ; )
What needs explaining, its chris-chan
How did they get my pic? oh shit!
yes, this is ''sexybabe87'' you just masturbated to on the internet
He has my stereo.
Dear mother of god, something has gone horribly wrong here!!!!!
well can you blame him its not his fault his mom loves him that much that she wants him to ry it on to make sure it will look good are her.
i present you, the new bra for men.........THE BRO !
IM Sexy And I Know It!
it puts the lotion on its skin!!!!
Christina before going under the knife
Chris Matthews on election night
idk jess, do you think they'll let him hang these pics in his cell?
Im going to drink till i forgot this one!
"I like to try new things."
He had everything from Sonic to women's ware..way to go Nerdie the crossdresser!
The Human Centipede 2
Britney Spears- 2010
You in 10 years
Where did you get my Picture?? This shit is private!
Don't worry, Chris Hanson's got this shit.
Don't you wish your boyfriend was hot like this?
Batteries not included!
http://www.sonichu.com/cwcki/Main_Page Everything you need to know about this man child.
I'm Sexy And I Know It
HOLY FUCKING SHIT................ look at all those pokemon cards........
Everyone's worst nightmare
Christian Weston Chandler's fake internet girlfriend told the stupid fuck to take a photo of him wearing his mother's underwear or else she'd lose her virginity to a male prostitute and not to him (like it was going to happen anyway), Chris shits himself (quite possibly literally as well as figuratively) and does it, pics get spread across the internet. A normal day in the life of Chris Chan.
He has an enviable My Little Pony collection. I am a little jealous... wait, I am totally not.
all the wall stuffs appear to be pokemon
IM Sexy And I Know It!
What happens when your toy collection overtakes your porn collection
He's a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world...
Does women underwear makes me look fat?
Next time on how to catch a predator.
I'm Sexy And I Know It
Mom said I could be anything I wanted...well, I wanted to be her!
The future Norman Bates!!!
OMG... My little ponies
Holy Shit, It??s that a super nintendo ?????????????
Like a Virgin...oh wait. Shit.
That is why you should never trust internet dating sites
This is how i score chicks.
need a liposuction after gender change surgery??
There's a Wii... in the background.
I can explain this! Ok... i can't
I love that colorful interior decoration!
I love that colorful interior decoration!
Perez Hilton before "what not to wear"
my dick is so small maybe people will mistake me for a woman. WRONG
He has Some little pony stuff on his wall...
Ew, for God's sake!
Simple, it's ChisChan, Sonicfaggot queen
Mom, Dad, meet my new 'friend' Steve. He'll be staying with us for a little while...
This ladies...is where the magic happens.
i should go for sexier lingerie next time
Hey! how you doing?
Just imaging how society would be if all children were told, "prison isn't for everyone, this could be your cell mate" !
Oh thats just Chris he was droped on his head as a child. Move along!
When your mother is your sister is your dad
trying too hard
where are they now?: Numa-Numa
The guy you're REALLY chatting to online...
Put it down,it has suffered enough
he just needs to accept who he really is, that much is clear.
HAHA. That Guy has a F.U.P.A.
I always felt weird with sleepovers.
Que Goodbye Horses
I'm Sexy And I Know It
Oh my...ew ew ew
Klinton: Isn't that Delc?
Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all!!
Uh, Mom...it's...it's...it's for a...costume party. Yeah, that's it.
Should have never bet the Lions would win the superbowl
This is an autistic pedophile. I'm not joking at all. Look up "sonichu" at encyclopedia dramatica.
Is it wrong that this gave me a boner
Ahhhh ....Pedobear has found a new hobby!
No wonder children check under their bed before they go to sleep!!!!
Michael Jackson, eat your heart out.
I'm sexy and I know it
this is what is wrong with the us today... creepy fuckers and the internet
..... This looks like my ex-boyfriend.... SHIT.
Forever Alone
its the guy your little brother went to meet at the park last week there goin to play magic the gathering together
I'de fuck me!
the most beautiful girl between his sister
He finally took his mom's advice to contain those man titties
yeah i know, i cant believe it as well... hes a fat lazy c(_)nt who doesn't make his bed!?!?
Wait, what exactly am I trying to explain? I don't see anything wrong here?
He has a collection of my little ponies!!!
That is a nerd exploring his sexuality
I'm Sexy And I Know It
I love Wii.
Mark David Chapman is making up for lost time.
The kid that never grew up. Mentally ofc. You can see he grew up and out physically the fat bastard
I think I know this guy. His name is Steve. How did it get online for everyone to see? Whoever posted it isn't very nice. He's a good guy.
Just Sad
You can't un-see this...
Ah, Chris-Chan, this bag o' fag...God, I wonder what the counsel of Heaven thought of when they OK'ed this mistake to be born.
Elton's son !!!
hey its sweetman :) for a good time call 0438086266
The muse for the movie 40 year old virgin
its the positive side of plastic surgery gone wrong
my little pony top right ftw
oh god, jizz.
As a girl speaking: he has dreamcast, a wii, somewhere in that hot mess theres and xbox and playstation...... and a freanking NINTENDO, invite me over right!!
I'm sexy and I know it! .... level: virgin!
DADDY DADDY what are you doing on the internet daddy
if you think that is bad, see the video where he shout's " JUULAAAAAAAAAAY!"
Oh my...ew ew ew ew!
...and this is your child on Pokemon...any questions?
its obviously a boyfriend-free girl...
mother told me 2
thta how your internet girlfriend really looks like