Other's Explanations
ooo, thats how those kenyans run so fast
I'll fight you for this tea. But no hitting below the belt!
Steve Urkel's African cousin
"Give me a wedgie now Honky MoFo!"
Shaq let his cousin borrow his pants for his job interview.
...so the guy says " if you keep pouring that hot tea on me, I'm going to kick your ass so far up that you will look like you are walking on stilts"
Don't laugh, mom said I would grow into them.
He was a dwarf, until he got his leg extension..
His pants so damn hungry they're slowly eating his torso.
Let's see if those idiot's call me "highwaters" now!!!
a black guy with a belt . thats a first
Trying to fill in his father's shoes.
steve urkel in the older years
In Nigeria pants wear you!
Unexpected clothes donation problem in the NBA outreach program.
I allways knew urcle will make a comeback
Urcel's only nemesis
This is how americans dress right?.......RIGHT!?
Aww, Urkle all grown up!
He either couldn't afford shorter pants, or it's photoshopped. Plus, he holding a cap to the jug. Either that, or he's a torso, on mechanical terminator legs.
now ive seen what a real daddy long legs looks like
I WOULD buy a tire from this man.
that must of hurt him :)
why bother with the shirt?
If thats Spongebob it would make total sence.
Hey is that my granny!!!!????!!!
I think it is rude to laugh at this man.... its not his fault that he has an abnormally high waist
same wardrobe stylist as Clint Eastwood
The belt that doubles as a tie clip
he needs to pull his trousers up.
Professional sperm collector
Ball & Armpit smells at the same time
Everyone called him 'Harry High Pants' which confused him, his name was Brian
Africa's Simon Cowell
When I get to the big city they will all see how I can Iron my pants
"You should see my c*ck"
I just had my inseam taken up... how do I look?
Its the Simon Cowell look
welcome to the real hood MOTHAFAKA!!!
Is this the guy that's been emailing me?
The original pant suit.
"Good afternoon sir"
the opposite of sagging
the new hip hop style, hey anything is possible if soulja boy selling
tell to T.I nobody in the corner has swagga like me!!!!
he's holding an invisible briefcase
Guys, am I looking kinda weird with this teapot?
sorry my belt got caught on my nipple clamps
But the crotch of the pants goes past the bottom of the tie.....he's leg man. able to step over the highest of curbs with ease *cue crappy superhero music
Probably the only black person on the face of the earth that doesnt have the rim of their pants down past their ass.
Simon Cowell if he was black
He looks good. I mean really good.
Longpants... is long.
it's a belt that doubles as a nipple warmer
Waist not, want not.
If the pants fit...wear 'em.
few days after the church missionaries had come around
"they fit alright but they're a bit tight around the armpits." poopoobum1 ~ youtube
He didn't wanna look like a fool with his pants on the ground/
Joe Amin have just inherit the pants from his 7 feet tall brother...
harry high pants
Makin sure he doesn't look like a fool with his pants on the ground
Simon Cowell's long lost brother.
Are you kidding me! This guy is so awesome that he takes his wallet FROM HIS BACK!
So the farther down south you go, the higher your gonna want to wear your pants.
afrigan simon cowell
Super Dupper Atomic Wedgie!!
Please don't laugh at my pants, they are not funny.
goddamn that's alot tires.
he takes everything to heart
he just wants to look slick. he ain't got anything else. this will have to do
hes ust an ordinary guy, omfg super long tie
Where ya booty at?
hmmm.. so it is true... they do have the longest pen!$ ...
What chest size are those trousers?
dont laugh. . . . i was born without a mid section
Steve Urkel visits his roots ...
his mother bought him longer pants so he would grow into them
Man born without a torso.
ooo, thats how those kenyans run so fast
I just gotta put long pants on and they'll think I'm smart.
hot new fashion in africa, CAMEL TOES
daddy long legs
Wow! a black guy who pulls his pants up! AMAZINGLY RARE PHOTO!
coming to a shack near you, it's X-factor Zimbabwe edition =D
In Kenya, they take style advice from your grandpa.
he's a professional
hello, my name is mr alottaleg
Meanwhile in Africa...
he has to wear the tall pants because of the short shirt
The Black Simon Cowel
Well I ain´t up to my neck in it yet
This guy holds both the world record for longest legs and shortest torso.
Slender: the early years
he just wants to look slick. he ain't got anything else. this will have to do
I love my girlfriend, Fernanda. :D
I heard that "pants on the ground" song... So, I decided to do something about it!
"As you see,occidental do not fit for everybody.
win. total win
It's a onesie - plus a tie - for the tea boy at the tire store.
um, they only sell one size of pants in nigera. and if you're not tall enough, you're uh, you're fucked.
Fred Mertz had an African cousin which Ricky refused to have on the show because he felt that having two minorities would get I Love Lucy kicked off the air.
Nerso da Capetinga
Kenyan X Factor has a new judge, who I am told is a bit obsessed with Simon Cowell
It's because he's actually 168 years old.. it's all the tea
Steve Erkle´s hand me downs
Roscoe missed the lesson on proper trouser wear.
is ed too tall jones to tall?i think not...
ok, off to uni i go.
his pants used to fit, till he drank from the bottle that said drink me, now he has begun to shrink.
To hell with trousers! DID YOU SEE HIS DICK!? ITS ALL THE WAY TO THE BELT!!! O_O
The alternative to hemming.
Dis da new style motha fucka
You should see his condoms.
in america we use it like this...
Simon Cowell lookalike.
he puts simon cowell 2 shame
in america we use i like this...
ooo, thats how those kenyans run so fast
???? victim of a weird-lookin' Congo fashion.
Nigerian e-mail scammer being scammed. Asked to prove his authenticity by posing in a specific manner. Search on '419 eater'
do these pants make my legs look long?
Waiter, water, percolator....
i like simon cowell he nice man he give me bucket i want to be him
Empire waisted slacks are SO in.
Mugsey Bogues' and George Muresan's suit carriers got switched on the flight
Gotta hide that erection
ooo, das ist, wie diese Kenianer so schnell laufen
and we said obamas pants were bad
Out of Africa, Here comes the original Harry high pants.
Ah em fightin' in a boxin' motch latah. No hiteen belo da belt! Ah ha ha ha!
in somalia pants wear YOU!
Why didn't you get the high ones?
ooo, thats how those kenyans run so fast