Other's Explanations
This actually makes total sense.
In Soviet Russia, Mc Donald's eats YOU!!!
Finally caught the Hamburgler
The end of the Burger King...
You didn't think He ate the crap at Mc Donalds did You?
Bjork makes commercial for McDonald's.
Even Ronald McDonald would rather have a severed arm than a Big Mac.
Mac.cannibal, the new burger ! Now 100% human flesh..
flesh: im lovin' it!
Ronald at a full moon....
Zoe startled the Witch!
McDonald's: Making clowns creepy for over 50 years.
Is this where the Mc Rib sandwich came from?
mcdonalds ran out of beef
Finally, McDonalds made something real!
= You don't mess with a good thing. I'm lovin' it.
Soylent Big Mac is made of people!!!
They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'
Even Ronald craves real meat once in a while.
Thanks, the regular clown didn't look creepy enough.
Seriously.... WTF?!!
I told you that you wouldn't like to know what made the special sauce so special.
Red face paint and hair dye is just too expensive these days...
tired of hamburguers.
Ronald Has played too much Left 4 dead
"Happy meal"
..... everybodys down at mcdonalds theyre down with ronald mcdonald and theyll be hittin the bottle n everybody cool!!!!!!!!
it mcdonalds
Anyone else think this looks like Michael Jackson??
The new advertising campaign after the McDonald's/Snickers merge: Hungry? Why Wait?
McDonalds Agghh!! Fucking Clowns
2 piece meal now on the dollar menu.
It's the Zombie Mcpocalipse!!!!
Twice as disturbing to look at right after watching Akira.
Due to recent exposure, McDonald's decided on more creative ways to kill people.
Hey I'll Have 1 Mc...HOLY SHIT.
Yep, me too.
"I just couldn't eat any more Big Macs"
The epidemy started in 2015, in a Mc Donald's.
Ronald McDonald -- eat at Burger King and he WILL get you
28 days Mclater
This is how Zombieland begins....
Mmmmm fry kids...
Cow shortage in the world force's mcdonald's to resource other meats
Now you know what they get the hamburger meat!
Wondering where the Wendy's finger in the chili came from? We now have the real answer.
Its very simple... Eating too many big macs resulted in Ronald contracting mad cow disease which made him eat the hamburgaler but dont worry cos the hamburgaler already ate grimace
.. what happens to staff who ask for a pay rise? ...they become part of the next meal.
Tired of McBullshits? Try some different!
mommy, why does Ronald have an arm?
Don't look at me! Don't look at me!
"What? you think im going to eat that shit at Mcdonnalds?"
that spawn of gollum and ronald mcdonald
This is, quite literally, the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life.
Am I the only one that shit brix?
And this sad, unfortunate event is why you don't see Ronald on TV anymore.
The only night where ronald mcdonald eats what he cooks.
I'll have the Soylent Green Happy Meal. Yes, I'll upsize.
HAHAHA so fake!!!..
Where is the meet?
Id hit it, just as she is
Ronald's 'different' brother.
You have disturbed the Witch!
Ronald's childhood
Ronald eating us...
Ronald is making some really good hamburgers!
Visible proof that Ronald's hair is not artificially dyed but has its vibrant hue due to his diet of fresh McCutlets, rich in red hemoglobin, a high protein source, best served with one of McDonald's special sauces. And don't forget to order the Finger Fries!
....wheres the Grimace.....I'm scared...
Chinese propaganda used to scare fat kids away from going to fast food restaurants.
Ronald eating a chicken nugget
russian mcdonalds
so THIS is where the McRib comes from....
you wanted him instead of me ! well this is what you get
in soviet russia, mcdonalds eats you only in soviet russia
Think about it....Have u ever actually seen ronald eat a cheesburger?
wooha hes hawtt
The Grudge #4
It`s the handburgler
Ronald´s night behavior
It's the secret ingredient into the foods that has us keep coming back.
It's a Handburger!
SEE, this is why clowns still haunt my sleep. I'm a grownup with a GD nightlight you FREAKIN CLOWNS.
That explains the red hair and lips. Plus, its a good way to get rid of fat people so Mkky D's looks "healthy"
... and that's where burgers come from.
this is so sexy.... i think i just jizzed...
McDonalds new Happy Meal: Manger Flesh Nuggets, Great for Clowns!
Ronald enjoys a rare vacation day
ronalds play place... eating children is what keeps him young!!!!
Few know the truth of Ronald's troubled childhood
OM NOM NOM NOM... lol want fries with that??
Sooo...... what is the unexplainable part here??
Ronald and Hannibal were good friends.Both decided to open a restaurant, that has a terrible secret...
Soviet Russia? LOOL fuсk you idiot, SSSR is gone for like 20 years!
This is what happens if you piss off the employees..
MacDonalds, going to greater lengths to bring you the freshest burgers!
Much better then Steaven King`s "It" XD
ba da ba ba ba im lovin it
That's what McDonald ACTUALLY serves!
y the f*** do the ppl who just repeat stuff get all the thumbs?
I don't think I'll ever go to McDonald's EVER again
Just an Cosplay of Ronald Mcdonald, to let him with bad femme
Quick! Lights out, don't startle it! Oh, and gimme your shotgun.
Happy meal in Hell...
Give me plz gamburger and...what the...
Ronda mcdonald is actually kinda hot
over 1 billion served!
I got fired !
Try out out new...Arm sandwich!
I'm not quite sure this is Ronald Mcdonald, this looks like normal Japenese attire to me
You want flies with that?
michel jacksons back as a zombie
I'm Ronald McDonald!, the fast food clown!, AND I DO CH CH CH CHEEEEEESEBURGERS!. (seriously man, lots-a cheeseburgers...)
he caught that burger king bastard!
McDonalds eats and makes you eat stuff you aren't supposed to eat.
McDonalds is made out of people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
McDonalds is so fattening because when he goes out to catch the people for the hamburger meat, the fat ones are the easiest to catch. I mean seriously, over 1 billion people served, its not longer about qulaity, its about quantity.
Zombie McApocalypse
Meth. Not even once.
89 out of every 100 Quarter Pounders come from here...
hey daddy, how do you made burgers ?
this makes perfect sense to me. ronald is an eeeevil fucker!
This's the real face of him....
Pennywise and Mc'Donalds now were fucked
zombie mcdonalds clerk?
Ronald McDonald never looked that tasty
xfgj hfgx fh xf zgfhnjm vbjkxnxfgsygnbmhkx
I don't give a crap what they're made of...I still love those friggin McNuggets!
Ah perfect! This tastes like it should go in our new burgers!
Bill: Witch!!!
My childhood nightmares
Dette rent faktisk gør alt mening
Can you say"Michael Jacksom"?
thats what you get from eating burger king???????DAMN RIGHT NO hes just hungreeee
Obey your hunger!
So thats why McD's has that "special" taste to it...
Product testing the new "McLimb".
Taste the McRib!
I'm lovin' it
Damn Asian kids are back again... Stealing my arms... Humph...
McDonald's IS people!
That's how burgers are made
The cameraman has been spotted
Pink Slime?!! I swear it's FDA approved!
I had an old friend for dinner
Don't you know what they say in Soviet Russia??
Ronald warned them about firing him as the frontman for McD...did they listen?
apparantly not -
i told you guys i just told you, those burgers tasted fuckin weird
..It was about time, you know ?
did this make anyone else shit a brick?
Im sorry, i just needed some substance for once, have you seen my skin latley?
Well it's not a Happy Meal.
OMG.... Ronald Mcdonald is ASIAN
What the **** are you Looking at!. I'm just eating!
Ronald was Left 4 Dead
Eat Flesh.
Now we know from where is Mcdonald's meat
ronald is the kid from the grudge, out to destroy us all and feed
My stomach was making the rumblings...that only hands could satisfied...
McRolled -> Flandre's Theme It all makes sense.
28 days later: mcdonalds edition
C'mon... how did you think we could serve bugers for 99 cents?
Ronald McDonald House Charities: For at least a dollar menu item a day, you can help out a clown in need. (*in fine print* hahaha were gonna make the world so FAT!!!)
it's the new handburger
clearly this is the japanese version of ronald's origin.
Ronald McDonald should have never banged the chick from "the grudge"
capitalism ... what else it could be?
I need some smack man!
I told them that i was REALLY hungry.....but they kept me waiting
"Honey, I'm sad about grandpa's death too, but it's time to come. You can finish him at the funeral "
well no you all know where the mc'donalds food comes from xD
McZombies: I'm eatin' you
McDonalds, I'm Loving it.
'I prefer people from Subway than my own employees sir'
As a boy, young Ronald had a hard time deciding what kind of food chain to open
Coud i have a leg
The Grudge 4
Say hello to the handburger.
this is so sexy... i think i just jizzed....
The Return of CliniClaws
L Lawliet... reincarnated as a cannibalistic Ronald McDonald. Kira, you're so screwed.
Ronald Mc flesh ????
*looks up* oh! Hello Grimace.............
89 out of every 100 Quarter Pounders come from here...
The McSoylent Green is PEOPLE?!?!
who say something about McBurguer is made using worms?
the secret ingrediant is?
89 out of every 100 Quarter Pounders come from here...
Wierd........ but funny...but wierd....
Where did they get this picture of me
Happy Meal! (with Toys, of coz)
sampling the new burger....McCanibal
Mczombie apocalypse
Steven King's "IT": McDonald's edition
"They all flows down here..." - it's FLOAT, dummy
The End of McDonald's
McDonald's wanted to beat Burger King at the "Do it your way" campaign
zombies...eat flesh!
I'm loving it
McZombie I'm Lovin' It
next time dont touch my motherf***in chicken nuggets
She is from a Japanese rock band and wears the outfit on stage all the time.
Caught Red Handed
Meat IS Murder ... literally in this case!
lol, cannibalism
Well it taste a hell of a lot better than that crappy Happy Meal
In Soviet Russia McDonalds eats you
nom nom nom
Japaneese triing to copy American lifestyle! Well they've got the principe at least!
i dont see whats wrong !
She's lovin it!
What do you mean do i want fries with that?
Wanted: ronald mcdaonld for giving away the secret ingerdent of our burgers
Batman : the dark knight.
Don't judge me!
Rhonda Mc Donald, Zombie Caterer, "Hell's Kitchen, NYC
89 out of every 100 Quarter Pounders come from here...
Ronald McDonald in his natural habitat
а мы-то думали, что бургеры делают из кошек...
Lovely basement
What McDonalds isn't telling you
McZombie Coming to a city Near You!!! Brought to you by: Ronald McZombie.
Everything's better than junk food.
Who you lookin' at? mind your own business nigga.
McDonalds hopes you will enjoy using their tasty tomato ketchup on your meals, but please remember to dispose of the empty packets properly.
alternate ending of "the orphan"
All those years of playing house with the children finally took its toll on him.
Duh duh duh da dahhh im lovin it
McDonalds uses human meat and we eat it!
America`s next Mcmodel
Handburgers for only 49 cents
Secret ingredient in a BigMac: Bathsalts
she's cute
bigmac is dangerous
It was either this or a fucking big mac, go figure
Rest in peace Colonel Sanders
I'm lovin' it.
it's better then that shit I sell...im loving it
100% beef
i'd tap that,but holding a cross and a silver stake just in case.anyone else?
After you taste the baconator sandwich, you thirst for more and more meat.
In soviet russia mcdonalds eats you!
Now I understand why "meat is murder" !
the recession is hitting everyone
the game :D
When did McDonald's start selling Frank-footers?
This is where the mcdonalds meat come from
LOOK AT THE SEARCHLIGHT! : The PREDATOR is gonna get Ronald !!!!
Ronald Mcdonald is just plain addicted to plain creepyness.
WTF man!!!!
The Big Mac recipe revealed.
I always knew there something wrong that... creature
(Not so) subliminal advertising in 'The Grudge'.
In the wastelands of post nuclear warfare, Ronald found a healthier alternative to his burgers
whats new, its an asian ronald mcdonald.
Found Burger King at last, time for a nice meal.
You'll never eat at any other fast food restaurant again..... will you....
One way to eliminate the opposition
Apocalypse Happy Meal
Burgers come from cows. The animal, not the cow who lives next door
yum handburger sandwhich
That's the meat they use to make a burguer.
that's Ronald's wife, Ronda
WITCH ! lights off !
And thats where Chicken Nuggets come from...
emm.. I'm just shopping
Junkfood is murder
the origin of the Clown encephalophaty spongiform
We understand now that MacDo means by "Fresh meat"...
I find this hard to masturbate to
New The McZombie !!!
SO that whats in the secret sauce
You didn't see anything....
McGollum ate one of the Hobbits after they wouldn't return his "My Precious"
Anyone else think this looks like Michael Jackson???
OMG its Michael Jackson back from the dead!
That's what Russia burgers are made from...... Human body parts XD
Jeffrey Dahmer happy meal in hell
Bath salts are bad... reeeeeally bad!
this is what happens when Ronald doesn't get his fries
HUH???? '-'
The orange haircolour messed with ronalds up
Ronald MacZombie
working in MC can cause several problems
100% pure beef!
Try our new McBathsalts!
what the fuck!!! penny wise is back!!!
Left 4 Dead unlockable content
Mucky (Chucky?
harvesting spaghetti sauce
No, I said, 'We need to make some cuts to our commercial arm.' Jesus, Ronald, you're so literal.
In China, the Happy meals aren't so happy.
its hell of a hunger at night maybe some MCBONERS!
'Mac.cannibal, the new burger ! Now 100% human flesh..' So no different from the norm then.
the kids party was going so well until Sid the psyco arsonist cannibal clown showed up.
it that where Mc D's burgers come from?
Wait, so this is why there is no meat on the burgers?
Burger King is getting pretty hardcore with its smear campaign.
Bloody McHand
This actually makes total sense.