Other's Explanations
Don't fart in a wet suit?
lol the 5th teletubby
oh no its the black michilen man
This is what happens when you fuck a bowling ball without a condom.
Naked Mr. Popo
I only asked for a Blow Job!!!!
So I'm allergic to latex? Now you tell me, Mom!
msn buddy?
I use food for comfort because the Blue Man group wouldn't take me... f#@kin' racists
Bomberman in real life.
Looks like someone took Mr. Willy Wonka's gum without asking, again
Boy, the Gimp really, really let himself go
who ate all the pies
Another fucked up friday...
The real life, and permanent consequences of a trip to Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory. Not as cute as in the movie now is it?
It's Kure Kure Takora after dark.
And this is what happens when a porn addict with a latex suit puts a basketball pump on himself
looks like a Dr. Who bad guy
"How many licks does it take to get to the center of me?"(aka a human tootsie pop!"
Black MSN Buddy
that's what i call fetish :D
Taking fetishes to the the next level!
It's Mr. Popo!!!
he wanted to be a fat nigger for halloween... his mom should be proud.
John Waine at the end
"Gary Coleman, we hardly knew ye"
no no no! she turned into a BLUEBERRY!
teletubbies reenact there favorite scenes from Pulp Fiction.
THAT is Bob. Post him onto other videos and he will take over Youtube!
Darth Vader fail.
"So this is what happens when you try to do a dutch oven in a scuba suit."
HE IS... The worse enemy of Michelin
where is the toothpick when you need it..
living inflatable doll
The Michelin Man after a day at the beach
the new combat gear for the gign
I have the weirdest boner right now...
Catwoman got really fat...
gimp suit for obese people
its the chick from the movie Precious
beer... don't drink it
Has anyone seen Br'er Rabbit around here?
The michelin man before he was white and successfull...
And THAT'S why you cut a poophole into every sex suit.
Willy Wonker told that lil boy do NOT touch the blackberry bubblishous gum...did jeremy listen?
does the suit makes me look fat huh? TELL THE truth
Bubble boy /o/
Honey, have you checked the air pressure on the Gimp lately?
Honey! I blew up the kids!!!
Me is real bomber man!
sorry, Mistress, I had a lot of beans today.
"I'm sorry Mrs. Salt, but at least Veruca's not blue now."
This has to do with inflatable fetishes.
The Famine in Ethiopa is getting real bad - not even any flies crawling on me to eat!
He is starring into your soul...
FUSION!! with love doll
bbw gimp
Shesh bob ain't half put on the pounds.
missy elliott!
black pac man!
so............its out............. the michellin man has a fetish
What do you mean you dont like the black jelly babies?
over inflated blow up doll?
Jeremy could never understand why he was thrown out of the jellybean bag.
"How do i look?"
Damn! I knew I shouldn't have had that bean burrito for lunch!
Its roger ebert
ur doin it rong!!!
Naked Mr. Popo
Frank: Wtf! Will: I just waked up man
missy elliot's new music video........like all the other retarded ones.....
fucking hate you 8 ball
looks like a warning image: eating chili before putting on your lucky gimp suit is not recomended
Fat ninjas are now in.
some people take domination to a whole......weird.....level
we should befriend them first, then attack!
conguitos powa!
It's Casper after spending his afternoons smoking black tar.
Spike Lee presents: Ghostbusters 3
I feel sexy now.
Bring out the gimp...
Sir Fart-A-Lot put a gimp suit on
the original bomber man character
after pulp fiction the gimp let himself go
Inflation fetish :P
conguitos powa!
Pac mans black cousin...
conguitos powa!
he tried to blow himself and this is the result
Michelin man by day, fattest gimp in the world by night.
New version of bubble coats.
Don't fart in a wet suit?