Other's Explanations
That ain't no baby!
That's Chuck Norris age 1 -
Shave the Baby, Shave the World!
Japan: years later we are still learning about the long-term effects of nuclear radiation.
practice for when your baby becomes a werewolf.
The carpet DOES match the curtains.........
Dude that baby has pubes!
Have real fun -Shave a hobbit! Frodo's only child!
thats fucking creepy
I don't shee what all the fush ish about. Of courshe you should want practishe shaving your baby from shertain periloush shituationsh.
The only thing that really doesn't make sense is the ankle hair. I could accept everything else about this image, if not for the ankle hair.
it is art made by polish artist- Zbigniew Libera.
Wow a ginger jew with a hefro and hair round his ankles. What's so wierd about that?
The mom's gotta shave it before the dad sees it. He's a brunette and so is mommy, but the postman's a ginger.
the first step to becoming a paedophile
Emmy posted a msg on FB: "Anyone has Chebacca's mobile? I have to talk to him about last summer holidays when we met..."
European baby in a Japanese Box, gotta love Globalistation!!!
thats just wrong...
yeah, i'll shave that baby! ;-)
its chinese....
Okay....this is wrong on so many levels.
From 'Jersey Shore Industries' comes the new "Lindsey Lohan" doll!
His hair grows in weird places...
No, YOU can shave the goddamn baby.
mick hucknals children escape the ginger bread house
dude thats baby austin powers
Accessories:razor, shaving cream, more hair, extra penis
Firecrotch: Now available in infant size.
The hair is strong within you, my young padawan.
The missing link.
Please, won't shomeone shave the baby?
My dick in a box sequel. "What comes from my dick in a box."
"My name is Chris Hansen..."
Rape your very own ginger American child! Customizable pubic length.
Thats all kinds of fucked up
This is the best baby doll ever invented.
Japan likes Chuck Norris. You got a problem? In every baby there is a chuck norris. And it'll beat the ever living shit out of you!
how have we existed for millions of years without these..................?
Just soak your baby, spread the seeds, and watch it grow! cha-cha-cha-chia!
Jesus that baby has pubes everywhere!
thats.....weird :S
i love how there are pictures of hair all over the boxes and the one to the left looks like its going to kill the other
Kiss me, honey, honey, kiss me, shave me, honey, honey, shave me!
Baby fire crotch
And for you future aestheticians out there-"You Can Wax the Baby!" Coming soon.
He's back! Firecrotch Chucky
pedobear's favorite toy growing up :D
shave the beaber... I mean!... the baby
Just... wrong. On so many levels. I need to go wash my eyes out now.
dreams come true! always wanted to shave the baby
I will never goto Japan, for toy shopping.
says many phrases; mommy, daddy, i love you, and new phrase: shave my body.
It's NOT Japanese, dumb-asses! Those are Chinese! >_
new dolls are more realistic than before, watch them hit puberty
Rule 101 of the internet: The scariest thing is still out there.
you have to shave the baby!!!! carrots are growing all over him!!!
Shave the baby, 5 charges!
as i shaved my redheaded childs ankles i realised there was a god... and this god was telling me i should have had an abortion
Ginger Ninja uses extreme hair to attack enemy
Joke toy
Ginger Baby has no soul!
Ginger voodoo doll.
One word: Japan!
Hidy ho.....ha ha ha ha
Oh damn. Somebody needs to figure out why the hell this baby needs a shave.
for those who prefer babies with no 5 o'clock shadow...
Just think of what they did before this came out...
Sasquatch, Has had babies
Is it a boy or a girl? You'll find out ...
Chucky after puberty.
If you have 5 dollars, and Chuck Norris had 5 dollars, Chuck Norris would have more money than you... And hairier pubes...
it's not fucking japanese
Everytime I click the image, it gives me an error. Chuck norris must not want anything else to be shown beyond this point. ALL HAIL CHUCK NORRIS BABY!
Yoko was confused when her boss told her to translate ¨you can bathe the baby¨. She tried to cover her error with left over ginger hair scraped off the floor.
Does Asians have something against gingers?
damn ginger
You _can_, but does that mean you _should_?
A teaching aid for couples interested in adopting a Charles Bronson clone
I dodn't think I wanna shave the baby!
They want 3 month olds to practice shaving another baby so they can shave themselves at the age of 9 months.
Train your kids how to handle gingers!
why would you shave the pubic area ?
New From Mattel!!
Gingers proof they are evil!!! Japanese never lie!!!
No YOOOOUUUUU can shave the baby
That ain't no baby!
That's Chuck Norris age 1