Other's Explanations
Is it just me, or did Superman really let himself go?
Benjamin Button first costume party.
superman off steroids
Fucking Kryptonite...
Ok, mental check: 1) Brush teeth ... check. 2) change out of pajamas ... Dang!
SuperElderlyMan. Come on, people..
casual Friday strikes again
Just another day at the office.
superman: behind the laughter
Superman wasn't pleased when his license was suspended for drunk flying.
this is normal
on METH -
Casual friday
Superman after he retired.
Looks like Superman's other weakness Besides kryptonite is saturated fats....lol
Laundry day
dress up fpr work day :)
He needn't have bothered.
I'm-a-get that sonnavabitch that told me today was costume day at the office
-murax -
he still lives with his mum.
This man is no ordinary man. This is Mr. F. G. Superman. To all appearances, he looks like any other law-abiding citizen. But Mr F. G. Superman has a secret identity. When trouble strikes at any time, at any place, he is ready to become... Bicycle Repair Man!
Superman's stunt double
Superman's stunt double
Here I come to save the day
... forever young ...
Dude, I want my fuckin washing machine back
The New-Super Street-Men
"-Hey mister, are you a Superman? -Yeah,yeah... -Hey mister, did you kill all those bad guys? -Yeah,yeah... -....so why do you look like a dumb fuck? -..........."
Vacation's end! That's sucks!
Greetings from Comic con..... Wish you were here.
I love my pijamas
Some things just aren't right on any level
Superman went the way of Mermaid Man from the spongebob series... Someone please escort him back to the lair of the retirement home..
evil has never been easyere to defeat !
The future of BIll O'Riley
Superman's stunt double
Mr. Spock Undercover!
Heyyyyy kiddies... I'm superman......
"The Old Man" from Pawn Stars, lost a bet with his son.
messenger man! supermans twin brother he is just borrowing the costume(he has a messenger bag)
Jeff the paedo's Superman outfit was worth its own weight in gold at blind school
You know those mugs that have "superdad" written on them...
Superman just never gives up! He's stalking my grandma...
even superman is suffering during the credit crunch!
uggggh was the wake up necessary no one is kidnapped or shiz ... I'ma go back to sleep (Yawns)
I want my fuckin washing machine back
Superman's stunt double
That's actually the new Depends he's wearing. He's disguised as Superman so he won't look weird wearing a diaper.
What ? It's not Superman ? It's a trap !
"I'm tired of flying everywhere."
Meh, I hate it when these flying abilities fail.
Even Superman hates his commute.
'Damn...I just farted.'
Working class hero
fuckin washing machine
Behold the devastating effects of the grey kryptonite.
Superman has aged.
After Superman started hitting the Kryptonite, things just kinda went.... downhill.
Oh, Tuesdays.
One of your mum's students?
Superman without the makeup
Frank and beans!
AKA Mr. Rogers.
Superman in his later years
Uncle Milty waiting for the bus to fantasy camp
elder superman
Making the world a better place
One wheelchair at a time -
Superman's mentally handi-capable brother Clyde Kent.
Superman to the rescue!
Bill O'Reilly is waiting for the bus.
50 Year-old rapist going trick or treating to get candy to lure in victims.
Super slow man...
Superman's uncle also escaped Krypton
EPIC FAIL Fattie pedo gives up on luring kiddies home as superman and takes the bus home.
Looks like superman got fat. Maybe that's why he can't fly anymore, he needs two seats, for the twins
yes yes i know...im cool. -cody
doomsday really not gonna kill me....
That guy looks like somebody but I can't figure out who.
superman dies for: kryptonita and age
Laundry day
Type your comment.Hey Ma looks like dads been drinkin
that's a purse made of black kryptonite. it turns superman impotent
Superman is done fighting crime and on to fighting cholesterol!
Superman the later years
Is it just me, or did Superman really let himself go?