Other's Explanations
Chicks will do almost anything to get noticed nowadays..*SIGH*
America: Trying to be as cool as Australia since 1979.
Australian Policemen.
Australia: home of hot asian chicks and weirdos in kangaroo suits.
Sally's Brothers were really protective and were good at discuises.
Once you go kangaroo you never go back
NO se que onda, pero la minita esta re buena!
she is tottaly sexy
photo shoped. look at the kangaroo's feet they're not even directly on the ground
it's the manamals from tank girl where lori Petti?
Australian gundums?
This bitch is just getting excited, because she knows she's about to have a good feed of roo meat.
To the #2 comment, this is in Australia, idiot.
Austrailan kangaroo-jetpacks.
This is not what i meant when i said i want to jump a girl !
A Night at the Roxbury.. Aussie style!
thats so fake, they dont even have shadows, epic fail lol.
proving Australian babes are the hottest and kangaroos can also jump high even if theyr ejust humans in a kangaroo costume.
I know these guys. They're called Roo'd from Australia they do strolling (hopping) entertainment at festivals When they hop away you can see a big pair of Kanga balls under their tails Very funny!
Photoshop... Nuff' said
They are obviously jumping to get a look down her shirt. that is what i wold do.
flying kangaroo guys: heyy!! its a cute girl, let´s jump around like a assholes
Tank Girl Anyone?
should i fly too???
This is not a photoshop, the picture was just taken when they were jumping. However, I cannot explain why the man next to the man with the red coat has such a bent ankle.
Not quite what I had in mind when I said "jump her mate!"
hey baby you wanna HOP on this thing?
They're gonna jump her bones.
that is sooo photo shoped look at it closeley
Typical.. She says jump and they say; How HIgh?
explanation is photoshop lol
cocaine is a hell of a drug.....RIP Rick James
I can explain this image. Terrible, terrible photoshop skills.
jumping high to see her boobs?
To hell with tying the kangaroo down sport.
Kangaroo Tea Bagging.
kangaroo jack
Why the hell are the kangaroos hovering?
Kangaroo Gang Bang
Cops in Australia find a better way to blend in.........and still catch their culprit!
i think they lost their shadows
I would.
she is hot
giant chocalote bunnys are falling from the sky
This is not a photoshop, the picture was just taken when they were jumping. However, I cannot explain why the man next to the man with the red coat has such a bent ankle.
average day in Australia, i see nothing wrong here.
What kangaroo you've ever seen has such defined and chizzled core muscles?
She is so Sexy :D....
How is it possible to photoshop something so horrible
Uuuh... Dude she's way out of your league...not even your own species! >=\
Australian rapists.
flying kangaroo guys: heyy!! its a cute girl, let´s jump around like a assholes
Guys will do almost anything to get theese chicks nowadays..*SIGH* :D
1,2,3 JUMP!!!!
It's not photoshopped. The shadows are right there you douches. :D
i think they are cosplaying Hunter x Hunter animation , i saw them in the first episode of that anime .
I'd Like to jump on you all night longgggggg!
Jesus christ... what´s in this water?
streets are rough, girls always getting jumped
Well...atleast the girls are hot in Australia
Australia........where i live lol
Australia.........only Queensland filled with asians
OK heres the facts, aussie entertainers on stilts hired to walk about event, i saw them at the V8 supercars in Brisbane, yes, theyre phooshopped in- no shadows :P They do however have huge nuts clipped on the crotch, you can see them in this pic lol
Explain? I don't think I possibly could begin to try....
Their parents must be so proud.
A very good LSD...
You gonna get rapped, MMF
She Gonna Get RAPEEED!
They're very hoppy to see her!
See flying brother; she can dance some samba...
I'd like to be tag-teamed by those to... betchya they fuck like jackhammers
Twas shopped.
Chicks will do almost anything to get noticed nowadays..*SIGH*