Other's Explanations
Step 1: Cut a hole in that box
Early version of the pocket pussy.
I was definitely not about to have sex with this bird house.
Obviously the term "birdhouse" is not a familiar one here
"Seasons Greetings from West Virginia"
too lazy to put on pants?
Farm recreation
and Now for my next trck...I will pull my pants out of this birdhouse.
An ornithologist was talking to him and all he heard was "bla bla bla bla bla cute birds bla bla bla bla swallows bla bla bla"
You wanna see my pecker?
Is that a bird house or a, err.... um.
This picture is completely disgusting!!! I mean, just look at the state of his lawn!
Feeding hens can be very intimate, especially the cock
"I made it myself, but it cost me my pants"
Is that one of the Baldwins?
It's my turn to use the sex box.
where is my dick? Anh!?
ah, there you are buddy. Hey, no wonder my letter didn't reach u...wat happen to your mailbox?
step one, cut a hole in that box. step two, put your junk in that box, step three make her open the box..
Well, he's obviously planting pantsplants.
That must be Luk De Vos, singer from the belgian popgroup Gorki ...
black socks for a sports where ...thats a no no
weirdo for dummies fig 1.1
A portable toilet for the tight assed.
blue mushrooms in the bg wtf???
This actually makes a lot of sense to rednecks
it was a pretty big tornado but at least he has his house and his pa....oh...at least he has his house.
cuckoo ...... cuckoo ..... cuckoo .... cuckoo ... cuckoo .. cuckoo . cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo ..... aaaaaahhhhhh
Inbreeds and there numerous ways to alienate themselves from the world
It's my dick in a box... really in the box.
2.....Put your junk in that box.... 3.....Make her open the box And that's the way ya dooooooo it!
Randy just wanted to show off the major squirtin' hurtin' he put on this old birdhouse, especially that hard-earned crack right down the middle of it. And what better way to drive the lady town-folk crazy than by giving them a teaser view of the jackhammer that did all the work? p.s. my captcha just gave me the perfect name for my online identity: Missa nuckelshaus
nice socks
No longer able to afford gas into town, Jimmy the farmer had to find gloryhole alternatives
This isn't where i parked my car....
Cock in the hen house.
rambo amadeus
Step 1: Cut a hole in that box