Other's Explanations
the true meaning of christmas
There is a Yeti taking a leak in the background...Merry Christmas.
This is an illustration from _Man_After_Man_ by Dougal Dixon, a thoughtful sci-fi book in which geneticists create various genetically engineered humanoid species and release them into the wild. Most of the book is about the future evolution of these species after "normal" humanity goes extinct. This particular illustration depicts a tundra humanoid being attacked by a forest humanoid. The caption was of course added on by someone else.
I will never sleep again.
Yetis - they like their ho-ho-hos rough
Season's Greetings
Come to the Family Reunion! -
Is that a chimp mauling Gary Busey?
Yeti's are gay.
Exactly which season are we greeting?
Christian groups trying to teach schoolchildren about how wrong is the theory of Evolution.
the origin of christmas
Darwin's evolutionary greeting card
I think Hallmark finally went too far when they brought out the "yeti assrape awareness day" greeting card
..Looks like mama Yeti was foolin around with a black guy on the on the side
who wouldn't want this for christmas
Dickless wishful thinking yetis....
Seasons Greetings and best of luck in rehab, getting that monkey off your back.
They're having yeti buttsecks
I guess even monsters are racist
The old science magazine explanation sounds correct, but the "Seasons Greetings" part looks like something the Church of the Subgenius would mail to their members. Praise Bob
From "Sciences&Vie Junior", 1994
Come to the Alps, where you can be raped by monkees!
I don't remember this scene in Fantastic Planet...
Don't you never call me black again!
And here we see the mating ritual of the Yeti in its natural habitat.
Surprise Butsecks!
This is how we celebrate xmas in Mongolia! by the way, i'm the one wearing the yety costume
Darvin is that you ???
Primal Foreplay
Bill Clinton man, the jeti is Bill Clinton
surprise butt sex
clinton vs. obama
Seasons Greetings from Crackville
Very simple, this is an illustration in the style of the late Mr. Thomas Kinkade depicting a child's delight as Santa has sent a brown elf to capture the abominable snowman, once again an allusion to the classic stop motion "Rudolf, The Red-Nosed Reindeer".
Whitey Will Prevail!
I can't believe the monkeys would wait till Christmas of all days to spring their ambush on the yetis.Have they no shame?Barbarians!
Looks like a picture that would be off of Adult Swim..
The true meaning of beastiality
It looks like George Bush is attacking Bill Clinton
Mental disturbance... sun with snow, animals with human hands, greeting season in the worst season, gay expressions, animal with human faces... maybe it is like: we hate the only season we have.. that's why we feel like greeting season this way
my parents last chrismas letter. try to know who one is my dad ands who one is my mom. a clue? they are both my dad.
Christmas Card, circa 47 million BC
my parents last chrismas letter. thray to know who one is my dad ands who one is my mom. a clue? they are both my dad.
Don't visit our city
Looks like a sasquatch humping a yeti. Merry christmas. thats your present.
I think this one is self-explanatory
poor bob
the wife just won't get off his back -
Exactly which season are we greeting?
obama vs clinton: the showdown
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not waaaaargh!"
Hello old man winter - I'm spring!
Oh man this is going up on my wall...
my life is complete!
No no (whisper) stop (whisper) no more
nuthing more than a seson greetng with being attack by a yeti takin a wiz :) marry pissmiss
omg chupacabras!!
USA invades Nepal
Sasquatch forgot to take the trash out- his wife is getting her revenge.
at least now we can explain chupacabra
Are you sure those aren't the pets of Box Art Mega Man?
This is going to be us someday o.O
rape! rape!!
Does anybody have the source for this? I would really like to use it as a christmas card this year.
God bless us... everyone.
in soviet russia, Monkey eats you!
seasons greeting from ben stiller
this what happens when u give the elfs crack
Sort of the same way I feel throughout most of the hellidays with the relentless pressure to consume and the damn music which NEVER stops. Christmas in America.
gorilla vagina
Jungle Fever
Nobody's gonna make any ATHF references? Really? XD
Merry Christmas from...ummm....Wonderland?
the true meaning of Christmas
WTF.....Merry Christmas
"hey guys help me please? i have a monkey in my back arrrrrggh!"
Homo Erectus!
surprise buttsecks
when the bell goes of on the first day of school and the autiostic kid thinks its the hunger games
bush and his wife
And you thought human babies were a hassle
This would make a great prog album cover
It's a drawing from an old science magazine (in France it's called "Science et vie") about possible human life form evolutions. This one was about some sort of parasitic twin races if i remember right. I suppose the "season's greeting" was just a random edit...
...just another Tim Allen movie
Don't touch my Breil!!!!
the true meaning of christmas