Other's Explanations
No matter how hard he scrubbed, Phillip still felt dirty.
Tooth Fairy lost her job due to global crisis and started cleaning pavement
Even satan makes bad bets...
thats my dad!
Cocaine is one hell of a drug.
Extreamly dedicated street cleaner....Even after his Stag Night
Dr. Dentist wasn't the most popular of superheroes...eventually, he snapped and took it out on a particularly evil little child with too many cavities. He now cleans the streets under public service charge.
Since when does a queen need a reason to go out in public?
Satan taste cocaine...
Cavity creeps just got creepier.
There's an app for that.
i see nothing wrong with this .__.
Marilyn Manson after a 20 day meth runner.
Well you can't go around in shoes that don't match your toothbrush!!
plaques worst nightmare... and mine
Wow, they were right...Marilyn Manson is much better live.
someone has a really unique fetish I think.
It's a lawyer.
just a upstanding citizen trying to do their part to keep the streets of America clean.
Is an artist. Saw a similar one here on TV where he(?) slaughteres animals like chickens on stage and then wear their guts and stuff. A real loser, nothing truely arty about it.
"Move, people. There's nothing to look at here."
Scrubbing the streets with a 4 foot toothbrush isn't normal... But on meth it is.
tooth fairy?
was it really worth to marry her?
This is someone's fetish.
Boy George doing community service.
Worst birthday clown ever
Lady Gaga newest music clip
present-day Cinderella
ha, Germans...
This is how Community Service should be served in Britain - better than any reflective jacket!!
cavity creepin'
Bob's always the life of the party. This years gathering of the American Dental Association was a real hoot!
This is actually infamous South African artist, Steven Cohen, doing one of his controversial performance pieces.
Canadian circus.
Bachelorparty or bet, or possibly punishment for wrongdoings...
can we put him/her in a big bottle of folmaldehide?
Apparently this is- "how daddy likes it."
He won the bet, the looser had to go quail huntinh with Dick Cheny
Diablos B*tch.
Just one of those "Scrubbing Bubbles" that went awry.
Clearly, my grandma forgot how to brush her teeth.
Lady gaga is my idol
It puts the toothpaste on the road!!
U missed a spot
It was that time of year when the transgender shark club does their public service and cleans the streets!
Cavity creeps beware !!!
This is easy.. San Francisco
I could never find that Tranny Clown Suit in Chibi Robo.
My Aunt Jen is such a neatnick!
let's see.....where did i drop those keys.....
I agree that this guy lost a bet big time.
Riff Raff's attempt to return to Transylvania fails...
Apparently this is how "daddy likes it"...
Well, at least his shoes and toothbrush are color coordinated.
Just remember: when you're at drag-queen boot-camp, don't call your superior officer a bitch to her face. Sure they'll give you a bigger toothbrush to scrub the floor with, but the damn thing weighs 15 pounds, so when your hunched over in your 12 inch pumps and whalebone corset, it hardly seems like they did you a favor at all.
...and you SHALL be forced to crawl on your hands and your knees in the guise of a whore and scrub the land where good men walk......
Lady Gaga?
threesomes in alaska are weird
If you think this is bad, you should see Floss-Man.
Boy George?
Bernard was never accepted by the Crest team, but he continued to do his part against the Cavity Creeps.
I took the road less traveled by / And that has made all the difference.
It all started with "Here, hold my beer...."
An unemployed drag queen attempting to make a living.
the war on plaque is being fought from the streets
Colgate decided to try and market to a different demographic...
The new Tea Party congressman arrives in Washington DC
Frank N Furter: The Later Years
"Hey hunny, did you do a background check on the home-nurse taking care of my dad?"
Deleted scene of Richard Gere from "An Officer and a Gentleman".
starving actor gets cut from Rocky Horror tryouts
Ok, honey, can I open my eyes now?
Epic Failsauce ^^
his dominatrix TOLD him to do it
keeping the streets clean... one brush at a time
Remember Indian in the Cupboard? Well this is what happened to the toy figure after a house fire.
Street sweepers in San Fransisco look a little different than in most cities.
Obviously, hes cleaning the sidewalk from the ABC gum.
I can totally explain this...he's french.
a long night of drinking mezcal and smoking payote.
Way too much LSD!
In sovieet rusia...well...hi!
"And noooow, the knights who say Ni want you to clean the street with.... a Toothbrush!"
Looks like Illidan got drunk.
colgates new add campain
And I thought Frosh Week at my school was mean!
Since he was cursed with such an awful head of hair, he REALLY liked to get attention on his perfect teeth.
See what lady gaga does to America?
Its so funny my comment cant describe it!
wow acid flash back!!
scrubby scrubby
Wall Street Workers: "Jeez Jim you look horrible... you could really use a shower and a makeover. Wait a minute could it be...? HOLY SHIT"
lady gaga's newest outfit?
Lady Gaga on LSD
Tooth Fairy lost her job due to global crisis and started cleaning pavement
Har... har... I finally got out...
For the new "Where is Waldo" series: Where is freaky guy with corset and huge toothbrush?
Mrs. Garrison
San Francisco Civic Center Cleanup / Political Satire MashUp
he is clearly playing Chibi Robo in public
This is punishment for spitting on the street in Botswana!
I must clean the road for my Master's arrival....
The only solution for this dental caries is a well trained trannie dentist!
damn. he scuffed his shoes.
M. Night Shymalan's "The Tooth Fairy" - coming Summer '09
a dude is missing a finger!
Sometimes it is hard to return home from love parade.
They told me there would be no cameras.
He is trying to get enough happy points for the next battery upgrade.
I told you bitches not to let the Tooth Fairy go to Vegas for the weekend. She always ends up doing too much dope and has to sell the ass to pay back the dealer.
Voldo vs ??????
Lucky Pavement.
Barry was going to use his flat mates toothbrush to clean the toilet but noticed some dogshit on the road instead.
No matter how hard he scrubbed, Phillip still felt dirty.