Other's Explanations
Who is your Teddy?
Threesomes in Alaska sure are weird
Where polar bears go when the ice caps melt
Dare I ask about the giant gauze pad on her leg?
Your smearing my mascara!! Not white bear scare us!!!!
Always Coca-Cola
PolarPedobear \o/
With hookers..ANYTHING can happen.
I said smack my bare arse!!!
"where's my coke you bitcheeesss!!!"
omg they are gonna die and all you can do is make jokes?!?!?? whats wrong with you people?
Since my habitat is going extinct, I'd thought I'd just move i with you.
Uh... when I said, "Let's bear it all..." I envisioned something different.
sarah palin in a threesome?
Pedo Bear '-'
Typical Einsturzende Neubauten fan.
Would this be considered Pedobear...?
the censored commercial of coca cola!!!!!!!!
arctic pedobear!
Furry conventions can get wild
at least its not 2 girls 1 cup.
A Polar Bear attacking the real cause of Global Warming.
No wonder why there's no humans in Antarctica
I said smack my bare arse!!!
Alaskanporn.gov. That's Al Gore in the polar bear suit.
Your all dumb, that tattoo on her ankle explains everything...god...
Oh, Canada!
that makes me a saaaaddd panda
What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
yeeeea polar bear. you SLAP that ass!
Furry fandom at its best.
I said smack my bare arse!!!
polar bear screws unlukcy virgin in her bed
What would you do for HIS Klondike bar?
Polar bears need love too.
haha, I know them!
Lets do it Bearystyle.
is this a patapon on her leg?
pedo bears cousin!
Fuck y'all climate change non believers!
nice wall paper
Pedobear's polar cousin
Winnie the Pooh isn't that your cousin from up North Pool
get the fuck outa my cave you punk bitches
Who's been a bad polar girl
einstursende neubauten???????????
Sarah Palin catches some good ole Alaskan R&R (or is that B&D?)
Theirs a smile wheres the coke?
Meanwhile in Rusia
Furry conventions can get wild
uuum no
What was the safe word again?
Who's your Polar bear!!?? Who's your Polar bear!!??
Is that Sarah Palin!?!
Rule 34
Thats my daddy!
Too much to bear
Pedobears white friend.
Isnt this the same Bear as in the Nazi Picture in the 1st pages?...
I'm thirsty. I want a coke now.
soviet russia bear f#*ks u
Careful Frank! That Nazi doesn't appear to be too keen on inter-racial couples!
Dont ever invit a polarbear, they are not to be trusted!
aww i KNEW it!! you whore! ill hit you in the back with my polar bear paw!! hahahaha that will teach you a les.... wait a second, this looks like fun!
lemme just get my thing here... and put in there... ok and were all set...
Papa bear gets home just in time to save Goldielocks from the worst mistake of her life.
Nailin' Palin II
U know I'm a porn star and I just had sex with 3 dudes it was fucking good
That Sarah Palin is one kinky bitch.....
Pedo bear on winter vacation
pedobear is tha best
I was there! I saw everything! You have no idea what you missed!
I said smack my bare arse!!!
That looks like a haloween party I was at a couple years ago....
I said smack my bare arse!!!
So this is that mystical Alaskan porn
Bearly legal!
Sarah Palin and her girl getting it on....appearantly she likes "hunting" bears
Who is your Teddy?