Other's Explanations
Elvis meets Micheal Jackson
Never Land Employee Suit
This is Bob. Bob is at a costume party. He didn't realize the party was a charity benefit for sexually abused children. Bold move, Bob. Bold move.
Do you wanna touch? YEAH! Do you wanna touch YEAH! Do you wanna touch me there YEAH!
L. Ron Hubbard at home
dumb sex
Do you wanna be in my gang?
That's a Gary Glitter costume ... seriously, you didn't get that?
Gary Glitter
gary glitter reveals his true intent.
more like elvis eats micheal jackson
inventing the ventriloquism
Now it was all out in the open, Gary Glitter thought, ''Screw it, no more Mr nice guy''
Gary believed in scare tactics when it came to preventing teen pregnancy.
Gary Glitter is still at it.
The Catholic church presents it's Spring Collection.
KA-BABY! (Look up "KA-SPY!" on YouTube.)
mortal kombat!!!
In the Future, Men too shall experience the joys of childbirth
Gary Glitter says, "Look, ma! No hands!"
s thats where my dummy went
It's a Gary Glitter Costume, people!
Stop making fun of him! He's the president of my local NAMBLA chapter!
The name's Jackson. Elvis Jackson.
I think he's supposed to be Gary Glitter
clearly gary glitter
Uncle Gary's Babysitting Service
he looks like the dude that has a van saying free candy -.-
Elvis meets Micheal Jackson