Other's Explanations
its the new guy from slipknot, the vegan one
Yeah... He was in the band, Slipknot, back in the days.
first the Bukkake went wrong and they started throwing bananas
El Pl????tano was always the least popular Lucha Libre wrestler.
Pinhead gone soft...
Chimp Gimp Pin Up Calendar
Jungle Slipknot
Hello, my name is katsumoto and I am from Fukushima
"I'm banana head man, now give me some candy"
with this mask, i'll be the tenth member of slipknot
This guy is on YouTube look up exploding bananas on face!
Put a banana in your ear!! :]
another new x-man member, his name is bananafaceman!
Pictures from Guantanamo continue to shock the world.
pinhead guy from slipknot???
the bananaz they iz smokin
It's fruity Jason.
I guess there are some things a monkey will just not do...
one persons performance art is someone elses friday night.
Omg a living tree!
this is what happens after a few bottles of jack with some motivation from good friends
-why do you have a banana stuck in you ear? -what ? say it out louder, i`ve got a banana stuck in my ear!
"I have a banana in my ear" la la lalalal al
this guy takes the song "bannana phone" to a new level....
o homem banana!
I speak for everyone when I say: "wat."
Filming for the new Hellraiser movie was not going very well so far.
Someone asked for "sparrow grass" and then the whole quartet All answered "Yes, we have no bananas We have-a no bananas today... OH! wait... We DO!
Peanut Butter Jelly Time!
Banana ice cream not scary,they says,he don't kill you,they says...
hey there mr tally man show me your bananas.
Rule 34
Jenna Marbles on meth! Banana mask face!
From Pinhead to Bananahead.
slipknot - Japanese version
Pinhead's cousin
Hellraiser: banana style.
Ta nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nanana Zit Man!
From the new horror movie, "Night of the Living Banana Face".
The condition wasnt only on his face. His underwear fits like a glove.
Those bananannanas Has Fuses!!!
Where the term "ban" came from.
next evolution of slipknot masks
And this is your brain on drugs.
That's just bananas.
* Playing Batman's theme... ♫♪♪... ♪♫ Zit Man!
(his face are bananas) -
andy warhol feat slipknot
"Peanut Butter Jelly time! Peanut Butter Jelly time! Peanut Butter Jelly time! Peanut Butter Jelly time! peanutbutterjelly... peanutbutterjelly..."
this guy has his 5 a day..
Trying to Ap-peal to all tastes.
The real question is, where is the smoke coming from?
Hey! Pull my banana!
The first banana-magnet! FROM HELL!!!
What happens when you touch yourself
William Lamson: http://www.williamlamson.com/#/work/video_work/works/1
Come mister tally man, tally me banana...
Banana man to the rescue!
Clive Bananaker's: BanaRaiser
he's mentally ill(gone bananas)
"this is the banana king!!"
talk about dick head,, :|
He likes bananas
banana man the 10th member of Slipknot,
it's hellraiser
At that very moment, the Dole Banana truck stopped short! Poor Wally was just standing there innocently. I wish I had a camera!
the video this comes from is even weirder, there are fire crackers in the tips of those bananas and he just stands there and lights them one by one
Produce worker loses a bet.
el lucha dore' BANANAMAN!
no no no its a recreation of the great ball of tits from the mighty boosh
the first mask of slipknot
I'M A BANANA!!!!!!!!
his application to become the 10th member of slipknot was sadly turned down.
Sit on my face and tell me that you love me.
You eat de pill, face exploda banana.
I think this was on {as} the bananas exlpode
Michael Myers' only weakness is bananas!
charlieee, your the banana kinggg,
*put a banana in your eaaaaar* -
Slipknot....... Gone banannas
magic bananas
its the new guy from slipknot, the vegan one