Other's Explanations
You all are so mean! Leave this lady alone. She cant help that she looks like a bowl of fruit loops!!!! Maybe she skipped class on the day they taught color coordination.
I cant stop laughing! This is so unexplainable and frightening!
My hand just crept up to my face and smacked me for looking so hard. My brain hurts
My explanation is that is it was Halloween and she/he dressed up like a bag lady/hobbitt to frighten little children. Because this person can't seriously be walking around looking like this the other 364 days of the year. Yes, Halloween!
Who is this... GODDESS?! *_*
What in the name of Mary mother of God?????
Explanation: A bag of Skittles reproduced with a fruitcake
The clothes don't bother me as much. It's her face. AND how exactly did we determine this is a female???? The large star earrings don't indicate female, more so, drag queen. But even drag queens know how to dress
The comment about someones children dying and contracting aids? Go kill yourself
I swear I think my eyes have crossed. Hard to tell with all those colors fighting each other. SMDH
I dont see breasts, this is NOT a woman. This is a SHIM!
The comment about someones children dying and contracting aids? Go kill yourself
If you want to tap that this is Twitter.com/TrailerGirl aka Wendy Sorenson .. Her back up twitters are : Slim_Tito FuckmeRandyJ5 FlexIWas Slimmer_Tito If you want to tap that ass make sure you hit her up!
I think she's pretty and you all should be ashamed of yourselves picking on somebody's grandmother like that! Suppose it was your grandmother?
The most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life. Flawless human being. It's obvious that the person leaving these horrid comments is a jealous, inferior hater.
I"m Blind! God help us what is that?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh mi Dios! Nunca he visto persona tan horrible! ¿Por qué le parece eso y dejar que la gente tomar la foto?! Eek ¡Vete!
L to tha O to the mutha fuckin L! That bitch look like multi-colored snot
Michele Evans from Kennewick WA is a stupid faced cunt. I hope her children die, her husband leaves her for an Asian prostitute, and she contracts AIDS.
OHHHH! You all shouldn't be talking about someone's nana like that! So mean!!!
WTF is this bitch doing with his hand? He looks like he just almost got caught picking in his ass. Lol. ....All those clothes he's wearing he must be HOT, SWEATY, FUCKING MUSKY AS FUCK, That face, it's ugly, he looks like he's on crack. Why insult the beautiful rainbow that got made? This looks worse than a bat out of hell. He looks like a walking thrift store..what is this anyways? Who would date this? Look at him, he is not even the proper drag queen! He looks like a circus, whoever this is, they need a severe make - over. He would look better as man, he needs to stop trying to be a girl. I think I broke this down for everybody. I hope this is just a joke because if it's not, they did a hell of a job making me believe it was...
You all are so mean! Leave this lady alone. She cant help that she looks like a bowl of fruit loops!!!! Maybe she skipped class on the day they taught color coordination.