Other's Explanations
Courtney Love was here.
It sucks when your relationship goes down the toilet.
Is it me or does ure breath smell like s**t!!!
someone was realy drunk last night
i think someone lost a bet
When he said "swallow my cum" she started looking everywhere.
Let me explaining rimming!
A nice night for Mr. Fantastic.
well that explains the blue tongue and pine fresh breath!
Is this supposed to be a turn on? :/
R-Kelly did it again
What kind of a freak puts lipstick on their butt hole and poops with the seat up????
The Rent Is To Damb High Party...
My boss was here... I can tell because of all the ass kissing.
"And They Called It Shitty Love..." ~ Paul Crapanka
I've heard of bowl hugging but thats going a bit too far.
You kissed the wrong John
It sucks when your relationship goes down the toilet.
Courtney Love was here.