Other's Explanations
After you done rowing, you can fix me a samich
Row, row, row my boat, gently down the stream. Out here, nobody can hear your scream..
Were gonna need a bigger boat
Meanwhile at VALVe...
poor woman, she's doing all the work even in the bedroom
whats the weather like up there ?
Stroke, bitch, stroke.
Romantic boating in Albanian lake
We must escape from this island Ana Lucia!
I told you I forgot to buy an anchor.
Roll Roll Roll A Joint, Twist It at The End, Light It Up, Take a Puff, And Pass It To a Friend...
Don't worry, when he farts it turns into a speed boat.
You wanted to do man's work at man's wages? NOW, ROW THIS BOAT! ... When you're done, you get nothing (just like me).
how celebs really lose weight....
Like a boss...of McDonalds
Stupid white people!
After you done rowing, you can fix me a samich