Other's Explanations
Congratulations, it's a girl
Alright people, nothing to see here. Move along
I... can't explain this one... I just... need a mellon baller for my brain now.
A 'glass bottom boat' with an invisible coffee-table
OMG, he has a double dick!
Beef Stew!!!
I told you the baby would fit up there.
Okay People For My Next Magic Trick Im Going To Hold Her Up Using No Hands Also!
So that's how Jim came down with a bad case of athletes cock!
Nick Swardson's next TV show: How I met my daughter
this new yet fast growing massage is being practice by the young guru who humbly says it was years of picking up 1000 pennies a day with only her toes that have allowed her to receive worldwide recognition for "the other kind of foot massage"
New wonder cure for haemorroids revealed...
i told you not to come out yet!!!
Stroking boner with her feet - the guy didn't notice that someone lifted the curtain behind them.
Women lined up overnight to participate in World's Biggest Foot-Job 2.
The ultimate tea bag
Congratulations, it's a girl