Other's Explanations
fat retarded kid on a wheel chair while, his personal assistant helps him shop
What do you wanna to do? I don't know, whada you want to do? I dunno, whada you wanna do? ... Buzz the store? ... Cool.
Dude, trust me, it'll be fine. Here's the plan, I'll distract her, you grab the beer, drop it in the basket and burn rubber out of here. Go it?
No one notice the blood?
Fat lad with pants so low
Jacked a granny for her scooter but they got their ass kicked in the process.
obviously that kid was running baby bunnies over with his motorized chair...and the other kid brought them to the garbage can
They see me Rollin. They hatin.
fat retarded kid on a wheel chair while, his personal assistant helps him shop