Other's Explanations
Say it aint so, Mr. Miyagi.
Mr Hakimoto successfully seduced the trio of Yuri, Yumi, and Mio with the brilliant pickup line: "You're a yummy meal". Followed by a game of strip patty-cakes.
oh my, girl in the middle has misshapen fingers
This image is self-explanatory...
Tom Vu, eat your heart out
Your honor, I present to the court exhibit A
And it make... 6 times... pretty good Mr. Miyagi!
Meanwhile, Chris Hanson is off somewhere cheating on his wife.
"Man who catch underage girls with chopsticks can do anything" -Miyagi
Freaky looking fingers on them motherfukin kids
And it makes... 6 time! Pretty good Mr. Miyagi
Sorry.. I just can't
And the guilty one has a Sweaty face match mr. Myagi
Star Asian football player makes the most of his night out.
Miyagi's used his latest technique: Come on, come off
Say it aint so, Mr. Miyagi.