Other's Explanations
When they picked on Steve in High school, he went to his "Happy Place".
"Don't worry! It's a racing snail!"
poor wittle snail
Peter Griffin in an acid trip.... AGAIN
Screw your neck snail
A whole new meaning to term "slow"
Don't worry I'm from the Internet
shamis durgle did a dastardly deed.
snorlax uses snail!
I wanna ride a giant snail!
Shouldn't of ate those shrooms..
don't you mean "shouldn't have eaten"? '-'
blind date
It's funny because that guy's fat.
The snail would eat him but he's high in sodium.
Turn around... Look at what you see...
Turn around.... Look at what you see...
Weeeeeeeeeee... :D
Sluggo Slugworth Sluggington aboard his trusty snail, Snail.
harry potter before the diet!
HURRY...The NOTHING is coming!!!!!
Doctor Doolittle has put on weight!
it doesn't matter how often you flush that shat aint goin' down
New Mailman on training
When they picked on Steve in High school, he went to his "Happy Place".