Other's Explanations
Canabalism...Justin Beiber ruined that to.
YES! He's finally DEAD BITCHE-S!
Justin Beiber, The other.....errrrr white meat
Flesh-and-blood angel...
What are the teeth made of
Close Enough
Seems Legit
The meat still looks better then him.
and the nuclear blast found Justing smiling.
he needs to be dickslapped
You can't possibly go wrong with bacon
She told me to make a Bieber Creepypasta, but I didn't have any noodles.
Apparently he's a meathead.
Looks more like Jimmy Carter.
more delicious and entertaining than anything justin's ever done
They got Justin Beiber too!
Celebratory breakfast of the champions... You're doing it wrong...
Canabalism...Justin Beiber ruined that to.