Other's Explanations
In Soviet Russia horse rides you!
This relationship is not working so woman, I'm leaving! You can have the goat but I'm taking the horse!!
Meanwhile, In Poland...
In order to catch the Yeti, Viktor relocates the decoy
...And lucky for us, we have him on camera sheriff. He just came on my land, picked up a horse and walked away...
Screw you guys I'm takin' my horse and goin home
stop horsing around
In Soviet Russia horse rides you!
Charlie, Your going to candy land whether you want to or not
Are you alright Ivan? I can see you are feeling a little bit hoarse!!
Don Corleone can't put my favorite horse's head in my bed if he can't find it.
Planking gone wrong!!!
Siberian road kill
My lunch.. Take it and I KILL YOU!!
Damaged horse back to his master.
Poor Sarah Jessica Parker... partied way too hard, but at least she got a guy to pick her up.
He was to tired, so i decided to carry him, its the minimum i should do after all these years he was carrying me on his back....
No no, that's not how to do it. You go on the back, but the horse on the GROUND.
There's no way you can fool me with this picture.This is a well-trained horse posing on a statue.
Im so hungry.. that i can eat a whole horse!
The Horse Head Huffers persent, for the first time, the team mascot! There's also a horse.
You know how there is always some how-it-all a-hole at every magic show explaining how the trick is done?
let's see those midgets invade Troy without this!
In an effort to convince the judges of the horse show that Brumby was still alive, Boris decided to carry the weight of the competition.
In Soviet Russia horse rides you!
Meanwhile on Vussia
Transportation Fail.
Meanwhile in soviet Russia..
What?!?!?! They said horseback riding!!
Damaged horse back to his master.
Eminem's new album cover
In Soviet Russia horse rides you!