Other's Explanations
Some kids wan't to be astronauts, firefighters or doctors when they grow up, and then there are those who dream of becoming parts of a pool table.
made in china
Last chance. You got money to by pool tables! WHERE'S OUR MONEY?!!
Balls to the face!
Saw movies are loosing their touch
The ad said it was "Extreme Snooker!" Talk about false advertising! If they wanted to be "extreme", they'd be STANDING on those stools, and there wouldn't be any cages...
Fascination is strong with this one.
They said I could be anything...so I became a pool table.
Simple, this is in Japan.
I tawt I saw a .............. China-man?
The Force is too strong with this one.
You can see pool play from new view
In an effort to save money on medical fee's, Yeun has become one of the first in an experimential tooth extraction/snooker game.
I don't know, but I want it!
Saw 8th: "The Legacy"
Some kids wan't to be astronauts, firefighters or doctors when they grow up, and then there are those who dream of becoming parts of a pool table.