Other's Explanations
I need to add a picture to my online dating profile. I'd like to look sexy but interesting and also show my hobbies. Any ideas?
I will never again model for a fishing-painters/bodybuilders class.
its called a sucker fish.... watch this
wait my dildo turned into a fish?
under big stone, big fish is hiding
...And slowly the assassin realized his invisibility technique did not work.
Look what I just pulled out of my carp-al tunnel
working the scales...youre doing it wrong!
I hope she'll let me perform bass to mouth!
CARPel Tunnel Syndrome!
It's for science
WTF smells like Fish??
Your bass is showing.
lifting too heavy causes carp to come out of ur ass
Hey guyz, I'll put it in my Anus
ЙааааааааааааааааЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗььььььььььь!!! Ребята Йазь здоровенный, зда-ра-вен-ный йааазььь!
and here i thought all of the pictures of aquamans conception were burned
I caught a fish today. Wanna see it?
combining fishing with masturbation and exercise. like a boss
Don't let the coffins fool you, I don't kill everything.
Forever alone
Who joins in a double date with my pet.. I'm worked out
Do you like fish sticks in and around your mouth?
I need to add a picture to my online dating profile. I'd like to look sexy but interesting and also show my hobbies. Any ideas?