Other's Explanations
Oh cool, a lesbian threesome...
"Here Jessica you kiss him while I search through this here abyss for his penis"
blonde knows how to do it right
u kiss him and i will see if this girl has a dick
You can tell the future sluts from the fan girls
Lesbian three way: You're doing it wrong!
Why do my knees hurt and WHAT is that fishy smell??!!
After years of autotuning his way to fame and infamy, Justin had gained enough of a public image to sell his mind-control serum, passing it off as "perfume" one spray and all female users would be over come with insatiable lust for him. His plan for world domination would finally complete. It only failed when her realized that the perfume was engineered to attract them to his image. Carboard cutouts, tv screens and billboards plastered with his face looked far better than he did in person without his legions of make up artists, and as usual, they were getting for action than him.
white girls
Until now, she didn't find anything
Guess who the slut is
Disney Channel... Promoting blowjobs in a mall near you.
Sadly enough, the cutout gets more action than the real one
Normally Justin Bieber sucks. This time it's the other way around.
Wherever the real Justin Beiber was, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
They must be desperate..
Someday, I'll find his genitals. - Hotspur
If u kiss him he become a real pet frog they said...
One gives his lips a service, the other gives him lip service.
Oh cool, a lesbian threesome...