Other's Explanations
Streets of Atlantis
Meanwhile in Norway...
there's a zombie on your lawn! :)))
erm....wheres all the water gone?
I saw a fish there , come on !
A little pill and u got water all arund
OH SHIT!! Cthulhu!!! RUUUNN!!!
A little pill and u got water all around
there's a zombie on your lawn!! :)))
Global Warming's impact on ice fishing.
look at the umbrella.....
Those two are actually on Google Street View. I lol'd so hard when I found them myself.
"I heard the johnsons toilet has gold in it!"
"Is that my ex?" *runs* "DUDE NO!"
haha, look at those chaps in diving suits chasing the google van! they even had an umbrella to keep from getting sun burned while they waited for it, yet they are in SUITS! AND wearing scuba masks, as if they could drown!? hahaha, only from my tears of laughter. those poor fellas should go sit back down in their lawn chairs. now im looking at the picture harder, and it's almost as if the scuba diver in the BLACK suit is CHASING the scuba diver in the RED/BLACK suit, kinda like he's owed money, or his wife cheated on him, or something knda like that. and to make it better the google van caught them in action, oh how priceless. there's so many things going on in this picture, i cannot write about them all, lol. haha, jiminy this picture is pretty darn funny if you ask me.
Streets of Atlantis