Other's Explanations
Mom, I want to ask you something... Are we like other families?
Mum, dad, maybe I should warn you before you get even MORE pervy... There are people over there with cameras.
mommy look! U and daddy have matching clothes!
Honey can you please pay attention to that knife and not our son at this moment. So you cut the sandwich and not my back.
Little House on the Prairie: the Director's Cut
the doctor said we had to check your poop immediately, no matter where!
Dad: maybe if i hide under this tablecloth the girl cant see me!
"mommy, why is daddy naked? And acting like a table?" "Because dear, He's a hella masochism, and we're gonna stick this knife up his butt!" "Son... I am dissapointed"
Mom, I want to ask you something... Are we like other families?