Other's Explanations
George couldn't put his finger on it, but he was almost certain someone was taping his phone calls.
Brains free.
Well, if some moron hadn't glued my hands to the steering wheel.
I don't make the laws, I just obey them.
how the f is he going to press the answer button ?
Hands free calling... You're doing it wrong!
wait plz I have another call
Screw MacGyver - This is how it's done.
two birds with one stone, he gets a shave and is hands free.
ghetto blue tooth
ancient bluetooth
Let Hans free
Damnit, I brought my wife's phone instead of mine
fuck you blue tooth!
he thought he looked cool.......hahahaha i think he was high
meanwhile in britain
Old skool hands-free cellphone...
George couldn't put his finger on it, but he was almost certain someone was taping his phone calls.