Other's Explanations
I'm...too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it huuuuuuurts.
His shirt should say "want to be a woman"
He needs someone to compare boob size with.
Don't hate me because i am beautiful!
Shirt Fail!! Forget words " TO BECAME A "
Chris-Chan. Do you really need another explanation?
His name was Robert Paulson, his name was Robert Paulson...
What a curious sports bra!
Chris Chan?
want a women? - you are halfway there...
A Wild Mr.Mime appeared. It used irony, it was super effective.
I think he needs to go back to the drawing board on how to get one
Want me to draw it for you?
Still want woman!
That bra used to say WANT A MAN! I guarantee it.
I don't what people think of me
Rocking the BEERGUT!
This time I am sure to get laid
Attempt to blend in... FAIL!
its a fucking woman lesbian and put him self to be a man and wants woman disgustin
Tranvestite Fail! >:D
I'm...too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it huuuuuuurts.