Other's Explanations
Tour de France mosh pit
Parking at a Chinese Wall-Mart.
No, honey... mine had a black seat. You're not trying hard enough!!
D**n it I thought I left it right here
Why did I enrolled in this f... race?
I see a alien!
I have disliked every single one of (-Grindi)'s comments so far... The quest continues!
findathon ??
Suddenly. Bicycles.
Nigga stole my bike! And his, and his, and yours and hers and . . .
Looks like a ferry full of bikes to me.!! :-)
Its where this guy was going: http://explainthisimage.com/unexplainable-photo/blank-title--38094/popular/2
*There is an error in the Matrix.....
Those are all of the bikes they found in a mexicans old shed.
Hay come check out my rack........
Looks like a ferry full of bikes to me.!! :-)
OK, everyone needs to shut up and find Wally !!!!!
"Mmm while everyones busy looking for their bike I'll cop a feel" Man in the orange sweatshirt as he gropes a lady
The Tour de France was crowded this year
Luke Skywalker! THE WALLS ARE CLOSING IN !!!!!!!
this is what a swim-cycle triathlon change over looks like in china!
Where the black kids keep your bicycle.
Tour de France mosh pit