Other's Explanations
Captain kitty prepared for landing.
Where is your God now???
I am riding a human, Your argument is invalid
The shadow in midair explains it all.
he is jumpin on the bed with his cat on the back :D
This is Major Kitty Von Whiskers to Ground Control. Do I have clearance?
Careful. Sloowly.... Sloooooowly....
Cat technology has improved.
Professor Yoda Cat teaches ancient jedi cat secrets
Fuck physics. I do what ever i want!!!
Taxidermy pet glued to shirt..
The cat jetpack was a huge success
Flying cat preparing to release a human bomb...
Catch you just in time, idiot!
WTF Jim! LET ME DOWN! I don´t like to fly!
Cat always falls on feet. Attach cat to self by feet. Cat cannot fall => Levitation machine
Dude. Jim. I think we had too much of that cat nip, maaaaaan.
Magic Cat is Magic!
Kitty used the force
That's not flying, that's falling with style!
that cat heard of flying squirls.......
Ninja cat!
in sowiet russia you don't ride cat, cat rides you
halp! i don't really trust in what he's doing, miau °_°
HOLY SHIT! Nice painting.
This picture was taken one second too early!
mirrors do the trick
Wrestling Cat is bodyslamming his owner
"Stupid birds can't escape from me now!"
Hover cat has bestowed it's abilities upon you. Be thankful.
Hover cat has bestowed it's abilities upon you. Be thankful.
supercat for the rescue
chuck norris' cat
Fuck you, Stephen Hawking
cute lad...
Hover cat has bestowed it's abilities upon you. Be thankful.
.... I biliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieve IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII can flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ....
Invisible kitty-operated jet-pack.
Mr Bigglesworth surfed through college
CAT me if you can!
Catville Wright spent years in testing human aviation before switching to echnical solutions...
ok, ok, let me down now
I think this is the greatest photo I've ever seen
Honey, you will NEVER believe what happened at work today...
Meow force one
Tank you for flying with Virgin Airlines, enjoyed youre flight Mr.mittens?? xD
Super cat had had enough of of Jim's bullshit. It's bodyslam time bitch !
Your argument is invalid.
Its the never ending story ... All they changed was.... F**kin Hollywood f**ks up everything:(
Fear my vicious attack human!
Have you seen my cat? He is grey and riding a Flying Douche Board!!!
Ninjas can't catch you if you've got a Jet-Puss
Now haaaaang on!!
Deploy razor sharp landing gear in 3..2..
Hey have you see my cat? He is grey and was riding a Flying Douche Board...
Captain kitty prepared for landing.