Other's Explanations
And this, children, is how we make chocolates
And this, children, is how we make chocolates
He is not the trainer. He is the trainee.
Fuck you all!
what a shitty job
Your not the trainer when your the one catching the poo...LOL
Stay in school, kids.
You give me nuts Ill show you nuts!
I said SIT ... NOT shit ... you fucking elephant.
We're just getting the ingredients for McDonalds and Taco Bell food
We're gonna need a bigger bucket,
One at a time, please. There's enough for everyone.
Worst job ever: Animal toilet
Barnum & Baileys express show (due to recession and lower profit margin)... brings you the greatest show on the block!
Des Puissants et Redoutables Rituels d'Amour ou de Haine, pour la richesse ou la faillite, la puissance ou la déchéance, la vie et pourquoi pas ... la mort ... On peut presque tout demander au Grand Puissant Prêtre du Vaudou et Grand Puissant Maitre Marabout-Sorcier Dah Houdegbe Du Bénin, mais c'est lui qui en dernier ressort décide si l'action demandée est en accord avec sa vision des mondes. En savoir plus : http://grand-marabout7.webnode.fr/
Ok. Who's next?
Now who ordered the mcdouble again?
I think the bucket won't be big enough...
Don't worry - Everybody gets a souvenier
What can brown do for you?