Other's Explanations
Beer refilling process : facts and mis-facts
"You're not gonna like, put this on the internet, are you?"
He's nipped it in the Bud
These man boobs aren't gonna milk themselves ya know
awwwww. he wet himself...
the power of suction is a beautiful thing
oh god he peed
Here we go! ...to anywhere else but here.
peeing in a bottle... your doing it wrong
google "BILK"...'nuff said
Dignity...what's that?
He is distracting us from the fact that he pissed himself
LOOK, he pissed his pants :)
Do your beers hang low do they wobble to the floor
Heineken - Reaches the Parts Other Beers Cannot Reach
We're home! Hey, by the way, who drank the last two beers? ... WTF MAN??
he pissed himself AND he probably has dick tits. A+
Good he didn't piss his pants on a picture on the internet
"Hey everybody, drinks are on me!!!"
Best Flair Bartender in the world (doesnt even have to throw bottles to leave you awed)
Yeah, SUCK IT!
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard!
And know who's gonna drink that? Eeeew... that's a waste of good lager...
...party trick?
Look Ma! No Hands!
Beer refilling process : facts and mis-facts