Other's Explanations
Just another Saturday night in San Francisco...
Don't worry, ma'am. Everything is going to be fine. We are from the Internet 2.0.
its Jay D. from SCRUBS
Herp & Derp!
Sausage-head and Guacamole-beard in their fight against intolerance towards interspecies love.
check out these two chicks I had a three way with last night.
Condom man strikes again
I'm just disturbed.....
The Republican and the Democrat
Lady Gaga's mutated offspring, circa. 2040
What the HELLBOY?????!!!!
Welcome to the Church of Scientology!
Sesame Street has really gone downhill...
Looks like Tom Cruise
Are not there Russophobia and any red condom?
Cockter Seuss
Just another Saturday night in San Francisco...