Other's Explanations
Flossing. Just flossing.
An example of how not to pole dance!
Guess how I survived the hurricane.... Thaats right
Well...someone's got a stick up their butt!
made in africa stole to america
What she had an itch
One piece of advice: Never say "Bite me!" to this lady!
The things you find in cracks!
In the Vice world, would this be called a vice-grip?
om nom nom nom
poor little pole...
I would not touch that pole with a 10 foot pole!
If I need a hand? Wooh child! Ive been standing here since 1986!
NOW MOVE UP AND DOWN! hahaha itchy stank Azzz!!!
If you think that's awkward, just imagine if the bus is standing room only and that @$$ is staring you in the face...
She was waiting so long she grew around the post.
I'm not touching that pole. Noooo way!!!!
Ass started eating
Number Twenty Nine Bun Coolers! Find them at Costco Today!
How long has she been walking with a bus stop sign lodged in her rear end?
Her ass is eating the bus next ... RUUUUNNN!!
Flossing. Just flossing.