Other's Explanations
Kid: Dad, is Santa real? Dad: Does an elf sh*t in the mall?
hey! i live in Barcelona , barcelona is the place where is this ''shitting santa'' , i can splain to you this, We have in our nativity scene a figure or a character that is shitting in the forest of the nativity scene and is thypical of Barcelona and its called the shitting man , i know it is strange but is thypical :)
You'd think it was unique, but it's the same sh*t every Christmas
In Cataluña (Spain) there is a tradition: to put in the nativity scene a figurine of a caganer, a person pooping. It is a very important figurine of the crib, like the Family or the Three Wise Men. The caganer can looks like a famous person.
The people in front can see his south pole.
Oh man... Please tell me this is a bad dream!
He is making candy on one end and chocolate on the other
It's a statue of Bad Santa!
OK, so I was naughty, but come on...
What happens when Santa runs out of coal...
After nuclear genocide and several hundred years the remarkably well preserved security camera footage of the Old Town Mall's tumultuous hiring of a homeless man to play the mall Santa had largely replaced the common lore of Santa Claus.
Will someone please bring me some frickin' toilet paper? This Christmas tree is beginning to leave a rash.. And also, I think I hooped an ornament.
They didn't let Rudolph join in any reindeer games And the elves only played "Craps."
In soviet russia...
Do you know how hard it is to make an ipod touch!
Oh,that's it! That X-mas stuff!!
Santa had his elves start working on the naughty list
Doesn't anyone want that present?
I just looked up the Barcelona thing and it's a weird Christmas custom called "Spot the Pooping Peasant"
Joaquin Phoenix's audition for the remake of "Gulliver's Travels"...
El caganer
Santa's elves aren't quite up to par as they used to be, with the global financial crisis and all.
El Caganer del Maremagnum
he looks like chuck norris
Kid: Dad, is Santa real? Dad: Does an elf sh*t in the mall?