Other's Explanations
Best Job In The World !!!
"Hey Bob, we were just kidding, your phone is in the lunchroom"
Entrance to Narnia?
Wait..Wait! I think I see the problem. Hold on!...Dam! I can't see nothing with all this §h!t in here!
LOST - the final season - coming 2011!
im sure it in here somewere but it gna be hardto find with all this s*** in here
So that's where zookeepers come from
Poor guy. I wonder how long he has to hold that huge tail up in the air.
John was seriously considering working at McDonalds.
You're right, Harry, there IS a Denny's in here.
Have you guys ever heard of Ex-Lax?
Stay in school, kids.
Republicans appear to becoming desperate in their search for a viable Presidential candidate.
Lets hope she don't clench
How much do you get paid for this? .... Peanuts, that is what I thought.
Republicans appear to becoming desperate in their search for a viable Presidential candidate.
And Japan didn't think of this first?
Man ,you must have been really afraid of the camera to hide in such a place .
Fisting? more like uperbodying.
Hide and seek FAIL
Your Shit Out Of Luck!
keep up the good work!!!
That fucker took my peanuts and I'M GETTING THEM BACK RIGHT NOW!
you miss a spot there
hello? helloooo??? anybody there??
Im Peter the zookeeper and this is Jackass.
8.. 9... 10 here I come! Where the hell did he go?
HELLO? hello hello MOMMY? mommy mommy ECHO!!! echo echo OH SAY CAN YOU SEE! ohhh say can you see...
Desperate Republicans deepen their search for a viable Presidential candidate.
Elephant Tailholder. Best job in the world.
Republicans appear to becoming desperate in their search for a viable Presidential candidate.
Scientists discover the first elephant with 6 feet.
Gary?... We thought you quit two weeks ago..
Hide and seek FAIL
How long can he hold his breath?
Holy crap!!!!!!!!
Cross breeding. When the rest of the guy comes out, he'll have a trunk, you'll see.
Guess who the new guy is.....
oh no he didn't...
Fart Knocker
One more ,then we can play tarot
Oh my God! The baby's coming.
Everyday I come here expecting the worst, and it ends up being worst than I expected.
Enough now ! Tom Cruise, come out of the closet !
... and to boldly go where no man has gone before.
the guy at in the right: "Yes...i'm the next one"
Mom elephant is delivering a BABY
I see you did there !
You eat my butterfingers were is it?
Best Job In The World !!!