Other's Explanations
Are you sure this is the best way to cure hiccups?
In time the bodies will rot and they will become good soil !
I can't even explain how they get in there, let alone WHY
This isn't what I meant when I said I wanted to be closer to you...
They will never get out of there...
Man, this is soooo funny. I can't believe we're doing this.....hold on.....how did you say we got out? Shit.
treeing = planking level 33
How did I get here ''THE END''
The city found a new way to get rid of the homeless.Fertilizer!
Congratulations getting in... better luck getting out
Fuck Planking!
One job, you had one job. Signal when you see the security guard!
Ok, now that everybody is here, lets start the meeting.
Looks like an escape attempt gone horribly awry...
Do You Remeber a Space Star ?
dude ! how the hell ...
They are mad mens (check their straitjackets) that believe are bats. They escaped in the night and sleep in the morning.
ninja at work
Meanwhile, in Ireland...
"Maybe this wasn't such a great idea."
Now THIS is planking!
Solve If You Aren't A Zombie
Ok, you can choose the next dare.......
Fuck Planking!
are u sure this is how children are made????
Their protest wasn't as effective as they thought it would be
Oh boy! Those babies I planted grew!
"dude help us out" ........... after i get this picture up on facebook
extreme bondage
You can always get a good 2 for 1 special at Sainsburys.
love is harm...
I think our meeting room needs more walls.
Hide & seek
Are you sure this is how you're supposed to 69?
Sainsburys enforce new "no-tolerance of chavs" policy.
Tree isolation
Bachelor party gone really wrong!
Morons, 2 for 1 only this week at Sainsbury's.
I told you, there is free parking at walmart
why does the pole goes through his head?!
Been there...
OK WE DID IT !!!!! So what's next ?
Self Explanatory
The Chilean media were getting bored by the time the 2 paramedics came up from the mine.
We thought American prison was crowded!
Are you sure this is the best way to cure hiccups?