Other's Explanations
After a few years, the mad cow disease started to evolve in a disturbing way...
And just you try to interfere while he's reading his cow p0rn!
The Cow head looks friendly. :D
I always take mah gun wid me. Juz in case sumthin 'appens
anybody else notice the xl vaseline bottle??
Hi... I'm Pat.
So i was on the toilet wearing my cow head when suddenly i heard a noise...
AK47... WHY!?
Who moooooooooooved the toilet roll?
And just you try to interfere while he's reading his cow porn!
Is it wrong that this gave me a boner?
King Minos's retarded child
So what your saying it was COWS that hi-jacked those planes and hit the twin towers. Well it makes more sense than that bullshit story you told us before.
Modern irakish Cowboy reading plans about capture the world
Man, that was some party last night...
The morning after your hangover
I knew that George was full of bullshit
What an idiot... ¿Snow man Towels?
After a few years, the mad cow disease started to evolve in a disturbing way...