Other's Explanations
Sit boo boo sit good dog
The vet said he's still just a puppy
Hangen with my bitches
Now she knows there are multiple meanings to the term "dog-sitting"
he was supposed to be a miniature....but then he went and ate a full bag of miracle grow. at least we know the stuff really works!
After Fido's horrible accident, Sharon agreed that the only solution was to graft their bodies together. She didn't anticipate that she'd develop new urges to hump people's legs and pee on fire hydrants.
your arguement is invalid, my dog is a gun turret
I'm shit.
When he was a puppy, jumping on my lap was cute, now it's a trip to the Chiropractor
Its not Funny guys They Are Semis Twins!!
If you sincerely wish to act as my replacement hindquarters human, at least have the good grace to stand whilst doing so. How else am I to ever again run amongst the fields I miss so?
bitch be here somewhere...i can smell her.
Sit boo boo sit good dog