Other's Explanations
Noah's Arc takes to the road.
Is that Ted Nugent's truck?
Noah's arc, road kill style
Chuck Testa has come to town
Why, Jim-Bob the Taxidermist? I heard he gone n' done up his truck really classy like!
Probably stinks
This is how chick fil a got its start.
Now we cannot see how many guns are in the back window :(
Roadkill food cart
the fur of all the animals we ever shot while hunting
I dare someone to drive that trough a hippie convention
Seems like something Lady Gaga would do
Guys, relax.... it's just the food truck for McDonalds.
I break for road kill
No, I didn't say I drive a FORD, it's FURRED!
redneck trophy truck
"Mc.Fluffy Pet Sitting" - We take care of Your animals!
Run. I hear banjos.
Meals on wheels anybody?
Noah's Arc takes to the road.