Other's Explanations
Which is weirder: the fact that he is a 45 year old balding fox enthusiast, or the fact that he has black fingernail polish and pink wrist watch?
Dammit Nintendo. You release one game with a fox as a main character and then this shit happens.
Fox news' newest talk show host
"No, sir, the puppet doesn't qualify you for the priority Priority Seating"
I have a hand up my a$$ as well ......
We fooled you, the giant fox behind the human has his hand up both of us.
An ugly man trying to look like a foxy woman.
What does the fox say
Even furries troll me.
Look at all the fox I don't give!
You look so good. Yeah, foxy. Yeah, give us some. Foxy. Yeah, get it, babe You make me feel like, Feel like sayin' foxy. Foxy
"I was sent to Earth fourty years ago and couldn't get humans yet, I've found foxes very interesting instead...so I'm becoming one of them."
Pussy? No thanks, I'm good
Whoa ladies.. One at a time..
The fox says touch my penis.
two chromosomes isn't that bug of a difference, is it?
i just knew that Basil Brush would end up part of Operation Yewtree
Nicolas Cage + Furry = This guy.
What does the fox say?
my dad???
Mighty morphing power rangers need a bigger budget
Check out that fox taking public transportation!
Fox you!
Your virginity is at risk
And THAT'S how I always get two seats on the bus!
Which is weirder: the fact that he is a 45 year old balding fox enthusiast, or the fact that he has black fingernail polish and pink wrist watch?